The ability to perform moonfalls a substantial number of times (176) in a row in order to sink through a solid floor. Moondancing requires becoming partially trapped so that the moonfall ends in a crouch state where pressing forward returns Samus to a stand without losing the built up vertical speed. Samus can become trapped inside of solid tiles or frozen enemies for the purposes of moondancing. This tech assumes the enemy can be frozen again without it being killed and without a frame perfect refreeze. The moondance speed value setup area does not necessarily need to be the same as where the clip is performed. But the speed will be reset if Samus falls, jumps, stands up with the Up button, or takes damage. In some situations it is important to stop one moonfall before clipping into the floor, at 175 moonfalls. The solid floor can be many tiles below Samus in which case it may also be necessary to change Samus' hitbox while falling. After 175 moonfalls, Samus' stored vertical speed is $FFE6.F400, while after 176, it is $FFE6.D800. See also: Tech Page |