Holy Image Debug Menu


Title Slug Aliases Image Credit URL File Ext Mode Description
Don't Use ZSNES zsnes
  link ZSNES sucks. Git a gud emulator.
Game File CRC crc
    [0] => crc32
    [1] => rom
  link gif Follow the clues, gumshoe.

See also: $holy gamedump, $holy permalink, $holy verifier, Index Listing
Permalink Finder permalink
    [0] => perma
    link redirect If you are looking to access the spoiler log for an already-randomized game, grab the permalink here.

See also: Index Listing
Game File Verifier verify
    [0] => verifier
    link redirect Verify that your base game files are correct.

See also: $holy gamedump, $holy permalink, Index Listing
RomPatcher.js patcher
    link redirect Apply a patch: Creator Mode: Off.
Create a patch: Creator Mode: On; 'Original ROM' should be the vanilla game file; 'Modified ROM' should be your randomized game file. BPS usually results in the smallest output file.

See also: Index Listing
Holy Image Debug Menu debug
    [0] => help
    link redirect
Game Dump gamedump
    [0] => gamedumper
    [1] => dumpgame
    [2] => dump
    [3] => dumper
    [4] => cartdump
    [5] => cartdumper
    [6] => dumpcart
    [7] => cartridgedump
    [8] => cartridgedumper
    [9] => dumpcartridge
  link Use a backup utility to dump the contents of your legally-owned game cartridge for use in the Randomizer.

See also: Retrode 2, Super NT, Game Dump Verifier, Index Listing
Game Dump: Classic 2 Magic classic2magic
    [0] => c2m
  link Use the Classic 2 Magic to dump the game data of your legally-owned SNES game cartridge.

See also: Game Dumper, Game Dump Verifier, Index Listing
Game Dump: SuperNT supernt
    [0] => analognt
    [1] => analoguent
    link redirect Use the Super NT to dump the game data of your legally-owned SNES game cartridge.

See also: Game Dumper, Game Dump Verifier, Index Listing
Game Dump: Retrode 2 retrode2
    [0] => retrode
    [1] => initrode
    link redirect Use the Retrode 2 to dump the game data of your legally-owned SNES or Genesis game cartridge.

See also: Game Dumper, Game Dump Verifier, Index Listing
The choices are yours and yours alone! olmec
  link Searching D63ED5F8 can yield many results. The intended destination can yield some metadata about the game.
Super Metroid Info Page info
    [0] => metadata
    link redirect Searching D63ED5F8 can yield this metadata about the game. Anything else you find is up to you. The choice is yours and yours alone.

See also: Index Listing
Have you tried murdering the brain? brainmurder
    [0] => motherbrain
    [1] => mb
    [2] => mbrain
    [3] => brain
    [4] => murdermotherbrain
    [5] => murdermb
    [6] => murdermbrain
    [7] => murderbrain
otherTom's inspiration link Mmm, lobotomy.
Samus Sprite Palette Block samuspalette
    [0] => paletteblocksamus
    [1] => samuspaletteblock
    [2] => paletteblock
    [3] => palettesamus
    link redirect Samus Sprite Palette Block description.
First three rows are suit colors.
Row 4 is Death Palette.
Row 5 is Crystal Flash palette.
Row 6 is File Select.
Row 7 has X-Ray Visor & Ship colors.

See also: Index Listing
Samus Sprite Sheet samussheet
Samus Status Screen Paper Doll paperdoll
    [0] => statusscreen
    [1] => status
    [2] => inventory
    [3] => inventoryscreen
    [4] => itemscreen
The Bestest Milly link Diagram of the Status Screen and how the tiles are arranged and used.
Samus Sprite: T-shirt Cannon Edition tshirtcannon
    [0] => tshirt
  link Vanilla storage of Samus' sprite in Super Metroid.
Keysanity Doors keysanity
    [0] => keydoor
    [1] => keydoors
TarThoron link Keysanity Door Locations on Zebes
Don't Make Me Load the Practice Hack practicehack
    [0] => prachack
  link Get the Practice Hack
Destroy @Shaktool destroyshaktool
    [0] => nukeshaktool
    [1] => killshaktool
    [2] => destroyshakky
    [3] => nukeshakky
    [4] => killshakky
  link Curious of who all is going to destroy me.
@Shaktool pings random people pingshaktool
    [0] => pingshakky
    [1] => shaktoolping
    [2] => shakkyping
  link Help! How do you ping random people?
Tech: canBePatient canbepatient
  link Executing a strat that requires waiting or doing the same thing over and over again for a substantial amount of time, potentially more than 1.5 minutes, even with good execution.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBeVeryPatient canbeverypatient
  link Executing a strat that requires waiting or doing the same thing over and over again for a long time, potentially more than 3 minutes, even with good execution.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBeExtremelyPatient canbeextremelypatient
  link Executing a strat that requires waiting or doing the same thing over and over again for a very long time, potentially more than 6 minutes, even with good execution.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPrepareForNextRoom canpreparefornextroom
  link The ability to know which room is coming next and use that information to enter the room in a specific way.
This could be achieved from remembering which rooms Samus has been to, using the map to figure out which room is coming next, etc.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSuitlessLavaDive cansuitlesslavadive
  link Navigating deep lava without lava immunity, or deep acid. This isn't required for entering shallow lava or acid in which Samus can easily jump out of.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHeatRun canheatrun
  link Navigating heated rooms without immunity to heat damage.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSuitlessMaridia cansuitlessmaridia
  link Navigating underwater without Gravity.
This is not required for falling down a submerged room or for simple underwater platforming, such as where missing a jump does not leave Samus stuck somewhere.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSunkenTileWideWallClimb cansunkentilewidewallclimb
  link Using two walls spaced 1 tile apart to climb upward underwater.
Samus will not be able to move away from the wall while wall jumping and so will be able to continuously gain height with fast jump presses.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCrossRoomJumpIntoWater cancrossroomjumpintowater
  link Using the momentum from jumping through a doorway from normal to water physics.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpaceJumpWaterBounce canspacejumpwaterbounce
  link Using Space Jump to bounce along the water line. It can be used to escape the water with a wall jump, or to get onto low platforms just above the water level.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpaceJumpWaterEscape canspacejumpwaterescape
  link Using HiJump to escape the waterline during a Space Jump Water Bounce.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDisableEquipment candisableequipment
  link Collecting equipment can make movement more difficult in certain situations.
Speedbooster without HiJump will reduce Samus' jump height when running and turning Speedbooster off will enable her to jump normally while running.
Disabling HiJump will give more time to perform a mid-air morph.
Disabling Gravity will allow Samus to float farther in water, or jump slower for a mid-air morph.
Beams may need to be disabled to control how enemies are killed (i.e. Remove plasma for canUseFrozenEnemies, or remove ice to effeciently use heat room farm points).

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPlayInSand canplayinsand
  link The ability to control Samus while under the effects of sand physics.
This includes the ability to perform a clean jump from the top of sand,
to platform while impeded by sandfalls, and to escape from a sand floor in water with Gravity.
This also allows using a sandfall to escape a sand floor with HiJump, and using Bombs to escape a 1-tile deep sand pit,
and to cross on top of sand with no items, by spin jumping from the surface and canceling spin before landing.
This does not include simply falling through sand or touching a negligible sandfall or using Spring Ball to avoid interacting with the sand.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEscapeSand canescapesand
  link The ability to escape from the bottom of a sand pit in water without Gravity Suit.
This means escaping 1-tile deep pits with a sandfall overtop without HiJump but with the help of the solid ledge or a frozen enemy.
This also applies to escaping deeper sand pits with HiJump but no sandfall.
This does not include deep sand pits with a sandfall or 1-tile sand pits with no sandfall.
This is done by holding down and then crouch jumping to become unstuck, then transitioning to another action to ascend through the sand.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSandfallBounce cansandfallbounce
  link Breaking the sand line while exiting a sandfall at the same time can be used as a way to gain an irregular amount of height.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSandBombBoost cansandbombboost
  link Sit on the very edge of a sand pit that is flush with the ground and place a bomb.
Time walking into the sand so that Samus sinks slightly into the sand when the bomb explodes.
When the explosion propels Samus above the sand line, jump and aim down simulataneously to gain extra jump height.
Jumping too early will likely sink into the sand while jumping late only does not gain the full jump height.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSandGrappleBoost cansandgrappleboost
  link Sink very slightly into a sand pit with an enemy nearby, close to the sand line.
Jump while firing grapple and aim down as soon as Grapple hits the enemy.
This will allow Samus to jump higher than with just a normal jump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canManageReserves canmanagereserves
  link The ability to manage reserve energy efficiently, including the following techniques:
1) Avoiding wasted energy from reserves overfilling into regular energy, either manually or automatically,
2) Preventing a double enemy hit by having only a small amount of reserve energy when auto refilling,
3) Manually refilling from reserves during a shinespark to prevent the spark from ending early due to low energy.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPauseAbuse canpauseabuse
  link The ability to pause in order to avoid death while reaching 0 Energy.
Energy must be obtained before the unpause fade-in finishes, either by picking up an Energy drop or refilling with Reserve Energy.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDownGrab candowngrab
  link The ability to aim down to reduce Samus' hitbox to reach higher ledges. Commonly paired with a Crouch Jump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDownBack candownback
  link Holding the direction buttons down and then also backwards in order to move forwards, while in the correct falling state.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canStopOnADime canstoponadime
  link Holding the angle up or angle down buttons when no directional inputs are held will completely stop Samus in place.
This is used to enter elevators instantly, but can also be used to avoid being carried into some rooms by momentum.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMoonwalk canmoonwalk
  link This is an option that can be turned on in the special setting mode after selecting a save file. It is required for some tech.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMoonfall canmoonfall
  link Jumping off a ledge while moonwalking to fall with an uncapped speed.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMoondance canmoondance
  link The ability to perform moonfalls a substantial number of times (176) in a row in order to sink through a solid floor.
Moondancing requires becoming partially trapped so that the moonfall ends in a crouch state where pressing forward returns Samus to a stand without losing the built up vertical speed.
Samus can become trapped inside of solid tiles or frozen enemies for the purposes of moondancing.
This tech assumes the enemy can be frozen again without it being killed and without a frame perfect refreeze.
The moondance speed value setup area does not necessarily need to be the same as where the clip is performed.
But the speed will be reset if Samus falls, jumps, stands up with the Up button, or takes damage.
In some situations it is important to stop one moonfall before clipping into the floor, at 175 moonfalls.
The solid floor can be many tiles below Samus in which case it may also be necessary to change Samus' hitbox while falling.
After 175 moonfalls, Samus' stored vertical speed is $FFE6.F400, while after 176, it is $FFE6.D800.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canExtendedMoondance canextendedmoondance
  link Continue the moondance an additional 146 times to clip an additional tile into the floor when clipping.
Every moonfall will clip Samus 1 tile into the ground and Grapple must be used to return to a standing position.
A frozen enemy will need to be repositioned to a lower height at the point when Samus begins clipping into the floor with every moonfall.
The final clip may involve clipping into a floor, and from there moonfall clipping again to sink through a total of up to 4 solid tiles.
After 145 additional moonfalls, Samus' stored vertical speed is $FFD6.FC00, while after 146, it is $FFD6.E000.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEnemyStuckMoonfall canenemystuckmoonfall
  link The ability to use two enemies spaced the appropriate vertical distance apart so that Samus can Moonfall and become 'trapped' between them.
The uncapped fall speed will continue increasing while 'trapped'.
After enough time has passed, Samus can escape with enough fall speed to clip through a solid floor tile.
It may be necessary to change Samus' hitbox while falling to clip through the solid tile.
This is most commonly performed with the help of Ice Beam but can work with non damaging enemies such as snails.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canFreeFallClip canfreefallclip
  link The ability to fall with enough speed to clip through solid tiles without a normalized setup.
This can be initiated with either a Moonfall or a Grapple bounce.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canResetFallSpeed canresetfallspeed
  link Using unmorph as a way to reset fall speed.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrivialMidAirMorph cantrivialmidairmorph
  link The ability to enter Morph Ball while in the air.
This is only for simple variants where the vertical space and time in which Samus needs to morph is relatively unconstrained.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMidAirMorph canmidairmorph
  link The ability to enter Morph Ball while in the air, where the vertical space or time in which Samus needs to morph is moderately constrained.
There can be an expectation to Morph quickly as well, usually following a jump from the ground.
In air physics this includes jumping and morphing in a 4 tile high space, into a morph tunnel that is not at the top of that space.
In water physics this includes jumping and morphing in a 3 tile high space (Samus takes up 2.625 tiles when standing).

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWallJumpInstantMorph canwalljumpinstantmorph
  link The ability to mid-air morph immediately out of a wall jump.
After the wall jump, continue holding jump in order to only need to press down a single time to morph.
This is typically used in places where the morph neededs to be done quickly in order to have relatively precise positioning.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: can3HighWallMidAirMorph can3highwallmidairmorph
  link Getting up into a morph passage from a 3-tile-high space by mid-air morphing off of a wall jump. This is easier from an opposite wall.
After the wall jump, continue holding jump in order to only need to press down a single time to morph.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: can4HighMidAirMorph can4highmidairmorph
  link A mid-air morph that has to be done in a 4-tile-high space, into a morph tunnel at the top of the space.
It's a lot more precise than with more room. Turn off HiJump before attempting this.
Most applications of this tech are in places where wall jump instant morphing is not possible.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canRJump canrjump
  link A technique for mid-air morphing in a 3-tile-high space in air physics, or a 2-tile-high space in water physics.
The key point is that pausing can be used to morph much faster than double pressing down.
"R" means holding angle aim before the first down press so Samus has a smaller hitbox for slightly more space to work with.
1) Hold angle aim (up or down) and down while in a crouching position.
2) Pause and jump as late as possible.
3) Release all inputs during the pause screen.
4) Hold jump and down and forward after the pause screen clears but before game control resumes.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canLateralMidAirMorph canlateralmidairmorph
  link Performing the same input as a mockball, but in mid-air, in order to maintain forward momentum while morphing in mid-air.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpringBallBounce canspringballbounce
  link Using a lateral mid-air morph to bounce off a surface with Spring Ball while retaining previous momentum.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canStationaryLateralMidAirMorph canstationarylateralmidairmorph
  link While performing a stationary vertical jump and after the first down press, Morph with down and forward being pressed on the same frame (neither before the other).
Doing this immediately gives a noticable horizontal speed boost.
This is most useful underwater where acceleration is slower.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMockball canmockball
  link Maintaining running speed while morphed, by holding jump and down (to crouch) during a lateral jump, then morphing as Samus hits the ground while holding jump and transition from holding down to holding forward.
Sometimes referred to as a Machball.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpeedball canspeedball
  link Maintain the SpeedBooster effect while rolling as a Morph Ball in order to destroy bomb blocks in Morph tunnels.
A Speedball involves performing a Mockball at faster speeds and additionally it will help to be able to perform short jumps to reduce the amount of space needed.
A Speedball can also be used with SpringBall as a way to jump with temporary blue state while maintaining Samus' momentum.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBounceBall canbounceball
  link Using Morph to retain momentum when transitioning to water physics.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTwoTileSqueeze cantwotilesqueeze
  link Taking advantage of the smaller hitbox of spinjump and down-aim to squeeze through two-tile gaps.
Aiming down while jumping into a two-tile gap will allow Samus to stand up.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCrouchGateClip cancrouchgateclip
  link Using a spinjump and down-aim to clip into a closing gate, allowing Samus to walk through the gate.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTunnelCrawl cantunnelcrawl
  link Moving along a 2-tile-high passage while standing up by repeatedly spin-jumping and then pressing down.
The tech comes with softlock risks without Morph Ball or a way to wiggle to the right with canTurnaroundAimCancel
With X-Ray, it may be easier to wiggle with canXRayTurnaround.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canQuickCrumbleEscape canquickcrumbleescape
  link The combination of a crumble quick drop, and landing on a lower surface and jumping back over the crumble block before it re-forms.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMidairWiggle canmidairwiggle
  link Turning around quickly so as to manipulate game physics.
For using Screw Attack to break blocks and to shrink Samus' hitbox following a wall jump,
and for maneuvering sharply underwater.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canOffScreenMovement canoffscreenmovement
  link The ability to perform non-trivial movement while Samus is off-camera.
This does not include movement where visual feedback is unimportant, such as simply falling down or holding a single direction.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUseGrapple canusegrapple
  link The ability to fling Samus moderate distances by grappling onto attach points to build up momentum.
Knowing how to use Grapple also means knowing that the Grapple Beam can be used as a weapon to instantly kill certain enemies.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPreciseGrapple canprecisegrapple
  link The ability to precisely aim at grapple points while moving quickly, and precise control of Samus' speed and trajectory when releasing from a grapplable object.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canGrappleJump cangrapplejump
  link Using Grapple to propel Samus upwards, then continuously morphing/unmorphing/jumping in mid-air to climb upwards.
This is much more lenient with HiJump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrickyGrappleJump cantrickygrapplejump
  link The ability to Grapple Jump while also performing difficult movements.
1) Aiming a Grapple Fling with a precise angle.
2) Morphing and unmorphing very quickly without the slowdown of water physics.
3) Positioning the Grapple Jump with a Mid-Air Wiggle at high speeds.
4) Performing actions between individual Grapple Jumps, such as arm pumping.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBombGrappleJump canbombgrapplejump
  link Simultaneously use Grapple Beam to kill an enemy and detonate a bomb on Samus to gain the ability to jump for one frame.
By jumping first and performing this trick in the air, Samus gets a second jump.
This is most useful underwater to reach higher ledges.
This trick is effectively double frame perfect and kills the enemy requiring either a room reset, or a respawning enemy.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canGrappleTeleport cangrappleteleport
  link Exiting a door transition while grappled, in order to initiate a teleport in the next room.
The position to which Samus teleports corresponds to the position of the grapple block in the first room.
The corresponding position in the destination room (counting tiles from the top-left corner of the room) must have a block to which Samus can remain grappled (e.g. a solid block would work but air would not);
otherwise the teleport will not occur.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canGrappleBombHang cangrapplebombhang
  link Receiving a boost from a Bomb or Power Bomb while grappled, to enter a 'glitched grapple hanging' state.
Among other things, this state gives a way to trigger a door transition while still grappled.
The game may lag heavily in this state: if lag persists, it can sometimes be alleviated by changing the inputs held.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUnmorphGrappleHang canunmorphgrapplehang
  link Entering a 'glitched grapple hanging' using a precisely timed unmorph, without the use of Bombs or Power Bombs.
The positioning required to make this work is very specific; normalized setups are described in individual strats.
In every case, Grapple is used at the end of the unmorph animation (a 2-frame window) to get Samus stuck grappling in a standing position.
By doing this while pressed against a Grapple block and grappling at the very top of it, Samus can get clipped inside a Grapple block by a pixel (or sometimes two, for a block on the left);
In this case, Samus will remain standing after releasing Grapple;
jumping (to force crouch) and firing an angled grapple shot will then result in glitched grapple hanging.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCrouchJump cancrouchjump
  link The ability to crouch before jumping to reach higher ledges. Commonly paired with a down-grab or a mid-air Spring Ball jump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTurnaroundSpinJump canturnaroundspinjump
  link The ability to buffer a jump by using the turnaround animation frames.
This allows for an easier Spin Jump timing and works as a way jump far underwater without building up run speed.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canFlatleyJump canflatleyjump
  link Positioning Samus at the very edge of a platform, facing away, then turning around and jumping to initiate the jump from a position that is off the platform (and slightly below it).
Sometimes referred to as a corner jump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canGravityJump cangravityjump
  link Turning off Gravity Suit right after the start of an underwater jump to achieve a much higher jump.
Can be performed in water, lava, or acid.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canIframeSpikeJump caniframespikejump
  link Take damage to gain invincibility frames so that Samus can run and jump on spike floors or setup a wall jump from a spike wall. Enemies provide more i-frames than spikes.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canStationarySpinJump canstationaryspinjump
  link Spin jumping with no horizontal movement by quickly pressing and releasing forward and then immediately pressing jump (after stopping).
Doing this while holding run produces a spin jump with very low horizontal speed.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpringBallJumpMidAir canspringballjumpmidair
  link It is possible to use Spring Ball while mid-air, if Samus is still climbing upwards. This gives an additional jump, allowing her to go higher.
This can be done by morphing in mid-air, then quickly turning on Spring Ball while still climbing upwards, and then jumping again.
This is often done most easily by buffering the Spring Ball jump: while unpausing after turning on Spring Ball, press and hold jump starting anytime after the pause menu has finished fading out (i.e. while the screen is black).
This is often combined with a crouch jump to gain a bit more height.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrickySpringBallJump cantrickyspringballjump
  link A precise, mid-air spring ball jump. This includes those with a relatively tight pause, jump, and morph, in order to spring ball jump just above shallow water.
And those which require the jump input to be pressed near the peak of the jump, which cannot be done by buffering the jump out of the pause menu.
To do this, pause as early as possible before jumping and morphing in order to have as much visibility as possible after equipping Spring Ball to time the second jump.
This can also be used out of a Spring Wall or from a spin jump, in order to gain more horizontal distance before triggering the second jump.
This, along with a crouch jump, is also needed in order to perform a maximum height spring ball jump.
Maximum height jumps primarily have underwater applications, as it enables Samus to barely make it up 7 tiles vertically.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpringwall canspringwall
  link A mid-air Spring Ball jump that starts with a wall jump to gain more height.
It often benefits from the momentum change when equipping Spring Ball while morphed and moving horizontally after a WallJump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDoubleSpringBallJumpMidAir candoublespringballjumpmidair
  link Using a mid-air Spring Ball jump twice during a single jump to gain even more height.
This consists of a tight variant of mid-air Spring Ball jump, then turning off Spring Ball, then a second mid-air Spring Ball jump all while still climbing upwards.
This is typically used underwater with HiJump, but it is technically possible in lava without HiJump or to perform more than two Spring Ball jumps in acid.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUnderwaterBombIntoSpringBallJump canunderwaterbombintospringballjump
  link Use the tiny amount of height gain from an underwater Bomb explosion to re-equip Springball and perform a Springball jump.
This is most often used to get a second SpringBall jump when underwater without HiJump.
Bombs are required since Power Bombs will prevent pausing.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpringFling canspringfling
  link The ability to gain extra distance merely by turning Springball on or off.
When equipping or unequipping Springball while Morphed, Samus' speed is reset.
If rising (and not in liquid physics), the horizontal speed is set to full roll speed.
If falling, the vertical speed is set to zero and horizontal speed is reset unless SpeedBooster is equipped.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCrumbleJump cancrumblejump
  link The ability to jump off of a crumble block while it crumbles.
A straight jump may employ the small amount of jump buffering the game offers, but a spinjump can only use the time before the crumble block breaks.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCarefulJump cancarefuljump
  link Executing a jump that requires somewhat precise or unintuitive movement.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrickyJump cantrickyjump
  link Executing a jump that requires very precise timing.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrickyDashJump cantrickydashjump
  link Using Speed Booster and jumping with a precise runway length in order to jump higher than with a slightly shorter or longer run.
This works because of the extreme non-linearity of the speed to jump height ratio, when Speed Booster is active.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canInsaneJump caninsanejump
  link Executing a jump that requires extremely precise timing, in the vicinity of frame-perfect precision.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCWJ cancwj
  link A continuous wall jump (CWJ) consists of a wall jump without turning around.
It can be done by spinjumping forward and then wall jump off a solid object to retain all forward momentum.
The more speed Samus has, the smaller the frame window for the CWJ.
A slow CWJ uses a wall or ledge near the initial jump point, while a fast CWJ will wall jump using the opposite side of a more distant platform.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWalljump canwalljump
  link Jump off walls, as taught by the Etecoons.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPreciseWalljump canprecisewalljump
  link A wall jump that needs to be performed at a fairly precise spot in order to yield the desired result.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDelayedWalljump candelayedwalljump
  link A precise wall jump that needs to done as late as possible by moving away from the wall in order for Samus to start the jump as far from the wall as possible.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canInsaneWalljump caninsanewalljump
  link A wall jump with extreme precision, in the vicinity of pixel and frame perfect precision. These jumps are typically delayed wall jumps.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canConsecutiveWalljump canconsecutivewalljump
  link Climbing a wall with three or more consecutive wall jumps without a mistake.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canFastWalljumpClimb canfastwalljumpclimb
  link Climbing a wall with consecutive wall jumps very quickly, e.g. for setting up a full halfie.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canStaggeredWalljump canstaggeredwalljump
  link Controlling wall jump height and positioning to dodge enemies or to wait for something.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUnderwaterWalljump / canWackyAssUnderwaterSingleWalljumpShit canunderwaterwalljump
    [0] => canwackyassunderwatersinglewalljumpshit
  link The ability to gain height by walljumping underwater against a single wall.
The movement requires using the unintuitive behaviour of turning around in water in order to return Samus to a walljump position.
Each walljump provides very little height gain so they must be performed very quickly to make progress.
This tech assumes Samus has HiJump and only expects gaining about 1 tile of height through consecutive walljumping.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canJumpIntoRespawningBlock canjumpintorespawningblock
  link The ability to time a jump up into a respawning block so that Samus gets stuck in it and can jump up again.
The bottom of Samus' hitbox must be completely in the respawning block or she will fall out.
Because of this, it is typically required to aim down or morph to stay in the block.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUnmorphBombBoost canunmorphbombboost
  link A tech that involves mid-air morphing to place a bomb or Power Bomb, then mid-air unmorphing to briefly hover above the bomb, in order to use the bomb blast to go just a bit higher than max jump height.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWallJumpBombBoost canwalljumpbombboost
  link The ability to accurately place a bomb or Power Bomb in mid-air following a wall jump, then using that bomb explosion to propel Samus forward.
There is a timing component where the bomb is placed while rising then hit while falling, and a momentum component for maximizing horizontal distance.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBombHorizontally canbombhorizontally
  link Place a single bomb then move Samus to the side to be boosted horizontally from the explosion.
This is typically used as a way to cross gaps or to reposition at the end of an IBJ.
Press forward while in the air to carry the momentum farther.
Since it only uses one bomb, it can be executed with a Power Bomb or a bomb.
It is not assumed by this tech, but it is possible to move forward just before the explosion in order to gain more horizontal momentum.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHBJ canhbj
  link A Horizontal Bomb Jump (HBJ) uses three bombs to execute. Place a bomb to get boosted horizontally; place a second bomb immediately as Samus is propelled.
Place a third bomb, mid-air, as far horizontally as possible while still being able to return and get propelled by the second and then third bombs.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canIBJ canibj
  link Infinite Bomb Jump (IBJ) uses consecutive bomb jumps to gain height indefinitely. To start and continue an IBJ, place a bomb as the previous one is exploding.
The vertical speed with which Samus moves is controlled by how high or how low each bomb is placed relative to the previous one.
The speed of the IBJ ranges from moving fairly fast with high bombs, to no movement or even losing height with low bomb placements.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canJumpIntoIBJ canjumpintoibj
  link The ability to start an IBJ from a jump or a spring ball jump. It is most often used in strats that need Samus to IBJ up faster or to avoid something near the ground.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBombAboveIBJ canbombaboveibj
  link The ability to break blocks above Samus while maintaining an ongoing IBJ without falling.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCeilingBombJump canceilingbombjump
  link The ability to IBJ at the ceiling and place bombs at a steady rhythm while slowly moving horizontally.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canLongCeilingBombJump canlongceilingbombjump
  link The ability to ceiling bomb jump over a distance of two screens or more.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDiagonalBombJump candiagonalbombjump
  link The ability to IBJ with backspin which results in an IBJ with diagonal movement.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSandIBJ cansandibj
  link The ability to start an IBJ from sand.
Jumping from the top of sand into an IBJ takes more precision than a standard jump into IBJ.
Escaping a shallow sand fall does not require this tech, but there is a section of Maridia's West Sand Hall which would use a Sand IBJ.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDoubleBombJump candoublebombjump
  link The ability to place a second bomb near the top of a bomb boost during an IBJ in order to ascend much faster.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canStaggeredIBJ canstaggeredibj
  link The ability to change the bomb placement timing in order control the speed with which you gain height. This is typically used to avoid an enemy moving in Samus' path above.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPowerBombMidIBJ canpowerbombmidibj
  link The ability to place a single Power Bomb while climbing during an IBJ, and then switch back to Bombs to continuing the climb without falling.
This is often used to break a block that respawns where breaking it before the IBJ would be too slow,
or to break a block in a heated environment that is too high to reach from the ground and a second IBJ would waste Energy.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpringBallBombJump canspringballbombjump
  link After gaining some height with a single bomb explosion from the ground, use Spring Ball to jump higher.
Usable only when Samus' vertical speed is 0 (at the max height gained by the bomb).

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBombJumpWaterEscape canbombjumpwaterescape
  link From a submerged platform, setting up a single bomb jump above the water line to propel Samus up and out of the water.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUseEnemies canuseenemies
  link Using an enemy in a room to accomplish something that couldn't be done if it weren't there, e.g. when standing on or grappling from an enemy.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSnailClimb cansnailclimb
  link The ability to repeatedly manipulate Yards (snails) and use them as platforms.
The snail is damaging when out of its shell so Samus must face the center of the snail to cause it to hide.
The snail climb consists of Samus jumping away from the snail as it becomes active, then turning around to return to the snail and resposition for the next jump.
Standing on the edge of the snail and turning around underwater does carry the risk of falling off.
Spring Ball can bounce on an active snail (only one bounce when underwater without HiJump).
Snails can be used as single use platforms without it being considered a snail climb.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canNeutralDamageBoost canneutraldamageboost
  link Using the small vertical knockback from taking enemy damage, while not holding any directional inputs, to assist Samus in her movement.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHorizontalDamageBoost canhorizontaldamageboost
  link Using the knockback from taking enemy damage to give Samus a large movement boost by holding the jump and backwards buttons.
By changing the timing of the directional input, the way that Samus is knocked back can be changed and has situational uses.
Holding forward will knock Samus backwards and down.
Holding jump but delaying the back button delays the horizontal damage boost to gain some neutral boost first.
Very quickly releasing back and pressing forward will give a forward boost.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canManipulateMellas canmanipulatemellas
  link The ability to manipulate bug enemies that moves in a diving pattern (Mella, Mellow, or Menu).
These enemies inch upwards or downwards with each dive, so making it dive repeatedly until it is at the proper height to execute a strat.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSamusEaterStandUp cansamuseaterstandup
  link The ability to gain a shinecharge in place while captured by a Samus Eater.
Note that Samus maintains control of most of her abilities while captured by a Samus Eater.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canKago cankago
  link Clipping through an enemy by performing an uninterruptible animation while coming into contact with them.
These animations include morphing, unmorphing, or performing a turnaround.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrivialUseFrozenEnemies cantrivialusefrozenenemies
  link Can use Ice Beam to freeze enemies to use as platforms.
This only includes the most basic examples, where enemies can be easily positioned and refrozen without risk of killing them.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUseFrozenEnemies canusefrozenenemies
  link Can use Ice Beam to freeze enemies in nontrivial situations, such as to use as a platform or to wall jump off of.
This may require removing Plasma Beam in order to prevent freezing and then killing the enemy with a single shot.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMochtroidIceClimb canmochtroidiceclimb
  link Using a frozen Mochtroid to climb upwards, by continually jumping as it thaws and refreezing it higher.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies cantrickyusefrozenenemies
  link The ability to use Ice Beam to freeze enemies in especially precise positionings.
If supers are available, they can be used to knock wall crawlers off walls and freeze them mid air.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWallIceClip canwalliceclip
  link Collision will prioritize frozen enemies before walls which allows Samus to clip 1 pixel into a wall if an enemy is there.
This can be used to get Samus into position to X-Ray Climb.
Additionally, enemies that fly through walls may be repeatedly frozen to advance 1 pixel at a time to eventually push Samus through a wall or touch a door transition.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCrazyCrabClimb cancrazycrabclimb
  link Repeatedly freezing a crab to climb up an uneven wall, using no other support.
These climbs often require high precision when jumping around ledges: too many pixels in any direction and Samus may fall off or clip through the crab.
This includes only tricky versions of crab climbs and may include manipulating global and non-global crabs, multiple at a time, and freezing crabs in mid-air.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMetroidAvoid canmetroidavoid
  link Being proficient at avoiding metroids, and knowing where they are in the room.
Metroids will charge towards Samus but keep their momentum if they miss.
Shooting a metroid will stop it in place and knock it back slightly.
Rinkas exist in all metroid rooms, so this tech also includes the ability to avoid Rinkas while in a Metroid room.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBabyMetroidAvoid canbabymetroidavoid
  link The ability to skip the Baby Metroid health drain.
The Baby Metroid skip has three parts: The first jump, repeated jumps over the baby while clearing the vines, and the final jump into the transition.
The classic skip, with this tech, assumes HiJump, Wave Beam, and Morph Ball. Speed Booster can help, but only changes the first jump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDodgeWhileShooting candodgewhileshooting
  link The ability to run from, jump over, or duck under attacks that do not require precise avoidance movements while shooting the enemy.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canFarmWhileShooting canfarmwhileshooting
  link The ability to actively kill enemies to spawn drops and collect them while racing a timer.
There is a low chance that the required drop(s) will not spawn.
This does not apply to easy farm bugs, like Gamets.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEscapeEnemyGrab canescapeenemygrab
  link The ability to become grabbed by Draygon or a Beetom and then escape by pressing 60+ inputs.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEnemyExtendRunway canenemyextendrunway
  link The ability to use an enemy to extend the length of a runway.
This is typically set up with a frozen wall-crawler, but can include other frozen enemies or Snails, Trippers, etc.
The enemy can be up to 3 pixels higher than the adjacent runway and still have benefits.
At 3 pixels above the runway, Samus can run off of the enemy and not lose speed, which is often useful for cross-room speedy jumps and jumps into water.
At 2 pixels above, single-stutter shortcharges often fail and multi-stutters are unreliable.
At 1 pixel above, multi-stutters are fairly reliable.
A pixel-perfect positioning is necessary when using an enemy to bridge a gap, where Samus needs to run onto and off of the frozen enemy.
If the enemy is even 1 pixel lower than the runway, it cannot be used.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTrickyEnemyExtendRunway cantrickyenemyextendrunway
  link The ability to use tricky enemy setups to extend the length of a runway.
This includes the use of unintuitive or particularly precise setups or the use of multiple enemies with non-trivial setups.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHitbox canhitbox
  link The ability to pass through some enemies undamaged by shooting.
May involve running through the enemy after making its hitbox inactive (e.g. Metal Pirates) or while the enemy has iframes (e.g. using Plasma).

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPseudoScrew canpseudoscrew
  link The ability to spinjump with Charge beam stored.
Pseudo screw gives Samus some protection from projecitles and enemies.
It will damage enemies who are vulnerable to this attack and Samus will only take damage if the enemy takes damage and is not killed.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWalljumpWithCharge canwalljumpwithcharge
  link The ability to store charge beam and continue wall jumping.
This is done by releasing the shoot button when trying to walljump, otherwise Samus will stop spinning.
This can be used to store a charge shot or to pseudo screw through enemy projectiles.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpecialBeamAttack canspecialbeamattack
  link A Special Beam Attack (SBA) is activated by equipping Charge and exactly one other beam and selecting Power Bombs.
After charging the beam, a power bomb will be consumed, and a beam specific attack will occur.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canOffScreenSuperShot canoffscreensupershot
  link The ability to shoot a Super at a precise location to hit an offscreen inanimate target, e.g. a Super block.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canGateGlitch cangateglitch
  link The ability to open a left-facing blue or green gate from the right, using Missiles or Supers.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWrapAroundShot canwraparoundshot
  link The ability to reach targets on one side of a room by shooting Wave Beam at the right spot in the opposite wall.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canGrappleClip cangrappleclip
  link Using Grapple on an enemy or grapple block to clip into walls and other surfaces.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHeroShot canheroshot
  link The ability to follow a shot to prevent it from despawning before hitting its target.
This may include aiming between enemies or waiting for the shot to travel some distance before following it.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canAutoCancelWeapon canautocancelweapon
  link The ability to set a HUD equipment item (Missile, Super, Power Bomb, Grapple, XRay Scope) to be single use.
Doing this allows for a fast beam shot following the item use, or can reduce button input complexity.
The button combination is 'Item Select' + 'Item Cancel' pressed together.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canShinespark canshinespark
  link The ability to use the Speed Booster to store a shinecharge, then fly in a direction until an obstacle is hit or Samus gets down to 29 energy.
Assumes Samus can shinespark vertically or diagonally from the ground.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHorizontalShinespark canhorizontalshinespark
  link The ability to shinespark horizontally from the ground.
This can be achieved by starting without horizontal momentum and pressing jump and then forward while still holding jump (or repressing jump).
These inputs can be done in rapid succession or with a short delay.
Shinesparking in water can be done the same way, but requires a slightly longer delay between the jump and forward presses, and it is particularly important to ensure Samus has no horizontal momentum.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMidairShinespark canmidairshinespark
  link The ability to jump and shinespark mid-air: vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Mid-air horizontal sparks are the most tricky.
They can be performed by spin jumping, breaking spin, initiating the shinespark without holding jump, then pressing jump and forward.
One of the easiest methods is to hold forward the entire time, spin jump, release jump at the desired height, tap either up or the diagonal up angle button,
then tap or press jump again (while up/angle is no longer pressed). The timing of the jump after the up/angle is fairly lenient and doesn't need to be rushed.
Note that mid-air shinesparks can't be performed from a fall, only from a jump.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canShinesparkDeepStuck canshinesparkdeepstuck
  link Activating a shinespark to get deep stuck in a door.
This is done by shooting open the door and spin-jumping towards it with a shine charge, then pressing angle up to activate a shinespark on the same frame as getting a wall jump check by moving away from the transition tiles.
While going through the transition, hold jump and angle up.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canShinechargeMovement canshinechargemovement
  link The ability to perform simple jumps with a shinespark charge timer running to get into position to shinespark.
This reposition may be necessary to avoid obstacles, conserve energy, etc.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canShinechargeMovementComplex canshinechargemovementcomplex
  link The ability to make multiple movement actions with a shinespark charge timer running to get into position to shinespark.
This reposition may be necessary to avoid obstacles, conserve energy, etc.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canShinechargeMovementTricky canshinechargemovementtricky
  link The ability to make precise and potentially unintuitive movement actions with a shinespark charge timer running to get into position to shinespark.
A common example is using the Shinespark Wind-Up animation to wait for a hero shot to open an off-camera door.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUseSpeedEchoes canusespeedechoes
  link Using the Samus echoes that are emitted after a shinespark bonk as a weapon to kill enemies.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSlowShortCharge canslowshortcharge
  link The ability to control Samus' run speed while shortcharging by releasing run after achieving blue.
Being able to 4 tap is expected as that brings out the most value from this tech.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpikeSuit canspikesuit
  link The ability to gain a flash suit using spikes or similar damage source.
Gain a shinecharge, take a spike hit while morphed, unmorphing either 1 or 2 frames after taking damage.
Then press jump to activate a shinespark on the last frame of knockback, 10 frames after taking damage.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSpeedKeep canspeedkeep
  link The ability to retain the Dash counter and momentum by frame perfectly unmorphing before taking damage from spikes.
It is necessary to bounce while in Morph Ball, either by falling or by taking damage, to set the correct fall state for a SpeedKeep.
This allows for charging a Shinespark or Temporary Blue using a shorter runway if there is a stretch of spikes available.
It is also possible to use multiple SpeedKeeps to build up the Dash counter without travelling much distance in a room by applying canChainTemporaryBlue movements.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPreciseSpaceJump canprecisespacejump
  link Carefully controlling the height and timing of Space Jump in order to carry momentum, and possibly blue speed, across substantial distances to specific locations.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBlueSpaceJump canbluespacejump
  link Using SpaceJump to carry SpeedBooster's blue suit into some destructible blocks that couldn't be reached by simply running and jumping.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTemporaryBlue cantemporaryblue
  link Maintaining the desctructive capabilities of speedbooster after running has stopped.
Used to fall on top of breakable bomb blocks or enemies.
Performed by storing a spark while falling off a ledge, holding angle and crouching after storing a spark, or unmorphing.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canChainTemporaryBlue canchaintemporaryblue
  link The ability to move while maintaining Temporary Blue. This can be done by jumping, releasing angle, then doing a mid-air morph on the descent, using mockball inputs.
Afterwards, hold angle again while soft unmorphing and continue to hold angle after landing.
Hold forward the entire time while morphed after the mockball inputs to prevent losing Temporary Blue.
It is possible to use this alongside canXRayTurnaround to change directions during a Temporary Blue chain.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canLongChainTemporaryBlue canlongchaintemporaryblue
  link The ability to move across large distances while maintaining Temporary Blue.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canWaterShineCharge canwatershinecharge
  link Starting from an air environment, run into water and charge a spark in the water. This is typically done while crossing a door transition from a room with air physics to a room with water.
This is easy to do; the tech just represents knowledge that it is possible.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canStutterWaterShineCharge canstutterwatershinecharge
  link Performing a canWaterShineCharge in a shorter runway by using a stutter that is greatly extended by the water slowdown.
Perform a stutter shortly before entering water, typically through a door transition, by briefly releasing and then repressing forward before, but as close to, the transition as possible while continuing the dash.
This carries the stutter into the water where Samus will run in place while building the shinecharge, Allowing Samus to enter the water with little momentum.
After entering the water, dash should be held the entire time. With Gravity Suit it is possible to do this without leaving water, with or without a room transition, by removing the suit just after stuttering.
The same technique is applicable with acid.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canXRayWaitForIFrames canxraywaitforiframes
  link Use X-Ray to pause time until invulnerability frames are finished.
Combine with Plasma Beam to repeatedly damage enemies with one fired shot, called Microwave.
If used while inside an enemy projectile or thorns, i-frames will be restarted but no damage will be taken.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canXRayTurnaround canxrayturnaround
  link Using X-Ray to turn around in place without changing pixel position.
Alternating X-Ray turnarounds with regular turnarounds enables movement in either direction even while crouched.
This allows Samus to wiggle through two-tile tall passages, but only if the crouch originated from standing or unmorphing (not spinjumping).

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canXRayStandUp canxraystandup
  link Force Samus to stand up from a crouching position by canceling the use of the X-Ray Scope while turning around.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canXRayClimb canxrayclimb
  link Repeatedly using X-Ray's forced standup trick to climb up through in-bound walls.
This requires Samus to be partially clipped into the wall to begin climbing, which is often set up by getting stuck in a closing door.
The simplest setup is getting stuck in a right facing door in order to climb the left wall of a room.
To do this, enter this room from the room to the left with a stationary spinjump moving away to touch the transition with momentum that will get you stuck in the destination door.
X-Ray climbs can also be setup by allowing solid blocks to reform on Samus, or by clipping into a wall by some other means.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canRightSideDoorStuck canrightsidedoorstuck
  link Getting stuck in a right side (left facing) door.
Starting from the room to the right, perform a dashing stationary spinjump into a doorcheck.
Then, as Samus arrives in the desired room, hold down to automatically fall forward into the closing door.
This requires the doorway in the room to the right to not be underwater. This is typically used to start an X-Ray Climb.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canRightSideDoorStuckFromWater canrightsidedoorstuckfromwater
  link When the adjacent room is underwater it is not possible to gain dash state for the stationary spinjump.
Instead, an extremely precise jump is required followed by aiming down to shrink Samus' hitbox.
From a full height jump, there are two frames which can touch the transition at the correct height.
After entering the next room, hold forward then one frame later aim down.
Turning off HiJump may help as it changes which frames work for the trick.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canXMode canxmode
  link Ability to enter X-Mode using spikes by unmorphing frame perfectly before knockback ends with X-Ray ready to activate.
This can be used to charge a shinespark or to slowly move forward by armpumping.
Walking into a solid tile while in X-Mode will crash the game.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSuperJump cansuperjump
  link Ability to Shinespark while in XMode in a controlled way.
A side effect of Super Jumping is that Samus gains a Blue Suit.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEnterRMode canenterrmode
  link Ability to enter R-mode.
Have some energy in reserves (set to Auto), take damage while going through a door, use X-Ray while entering the next room, and release X-Ray after reserves have finished filling.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEnterGMode canentergmode
  link Ability to enter G-mode starting with low reserve energy.
Have 4 or fewer energy in reserves (set to Auto), take damage while going through a door, use X-Ray while entering the next room, and release X-Ray before reserves have finished filling (a 4-frame window when starting with 4 reserve energy).
This can be used for many things, including overloading PLMs to move through solid tiles, setting up a deep doorstuck, and triggering Artificial Morph if canArtificialMorph is enabled.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canEnterGModeImmobile canentergmodeimmobile
  link Ability to enter G-mode starting with high reserve energy, resulting in Samus being immobilized.
Have 5 or more energy in reserves (set to Auto), take damage while going through a door, use X-Ray while entering the next room, and release X-ray immediately before reserves finish filling (a 3-frame window when starting with 12 or more reserve energy, a much larger frame window if you have between 5 and 11).
Samus will be unable to move until getting hit by an enemy (or until canceling G-mode by using X-Ray).

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canArtificialMorph canartificialmorph
  link Ability to obtain artificial morph with G-mode.
For low-energy G-mode setups, turn around after reserves finish filling but before knockback frames expire (a 4-frame window when entering G-mode with 4 reserve energy).
For high-energy (immobile) setups, instead turn around while taking knockback from the enemy that returns control to Samus (a 5-frame window)
This results in Samus entering a morph ball state without needing to have collected or equipped Morph.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDownwardGModeSetup candownwardgmodesetup
  link Ability to setup an R-mode or G-mode through a downward door.
Samus needs to be in a standing or walking position with no vertical speed on the first frame in the next room, while taking damage through the transition.
This is typically done using quicksand, clipping into the floor, or using a thawing frozen wall crawler.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canUpwardGModeSetup canupwardgmodesetup
  link Ability to setup an R-mode or G-mode through an upward door.
Samus needs to be in a standing or walking position with no vertical speed on the first frame in the next room, while taking damage through the transition.
This is typically done by using an enemy as a platform beneath the door and instantly standing up by pressing forward while crouched.
Getting Samus into the crouch position can usually be down by spinjumping (beneath the transition tiles) then aiming down to stand on the enemy.
Unmorphing when on top of the enemy will also put Samus in a crouch.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canAwakenZebes canawakenzebes
  link Understanding game behavior related to how the planet is awakened.
The planet is awakened by unlocking any gray door locked by killing enemies in the room (not including bosses or minibosses).
Pit Room and Baby Kraid Room are two examples where this can be done.
Awakening the planet causes enemies to spawn in Parlor, Climb, Morph Ball Room, Construction Zone, and Blue Brinstar Energy Tank Room.
It also causes the item in the left side of Morph Ball Room and in The Final Missile to spawn.
The item and enemies in Pit Room do not spawn until entering with Morph and Missiles collected, regardless of whether the planet is awake.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canRiskPermanentLossOfAccess canriskpermanentlossofaccess
  link The acceptance that changes to game state can result in a strat becoming impossible.
If that strat needed to be executed before the game state change, the game becomes incompletable.
And that the "mistake" may not become visible until much later.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCeilingClip canceilingclip
  link Basic variant of jumping into a two block high space and performing the actions needed to clip up through a one-tile-thick ceiling.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canXRayCeilingClip canxrayceilingclip
  link Setting up an enemy positioning to perform a ceiling clip, typically with a frozen enemy. Jump and Morph onto the enemy, perform an X-Ray standup, and then jump through.
The enemy positioning will require approximately 1.5 to 2 tiles between the enemy and the ceiling. Just enough to unmorph while on top of it.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPreciseCeilingClip canpreciseceilingclip
  link Setting up an enemy positioning to perform a very precise ceiling clip, typically with a frozen enemy.
The enemy positioning will require a 2-3 pixel precision range, several pixels lower than what is possible with an X-Ray standup.
A crouch jump is then required to clip through.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canHighPixelCeilingClip canhighpixelceilingclip
  link Setting up an enemy positioning to perform a pixel precise ceiling clip, typically with a frozen enemy.
This requires a 20 pixel gap between the enemy and ceiling, the same number of pixels as Samus' hitbox when in the aim down pose.
Either perform a very precise down grab to get onto the enemy or use a neutral damage boost to remain inside of the enemy then jump and aim down to land on it.
If Samus is not standing, press forward or up to stand, then jump through.
There are few examples where this is necessary, which include:
extremely tight spaces where an enemy cannot be positioned lower for an easier clip, underwater without Gravity, or in many locations while preserving a flash suit.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canPartialFloorClip canpartialfloorclip
  link While standing upright in a two-tile gap between solid tiles, jump in such a way as to clip a pixel into the below floor as a setup to another tech.
This is done by, in quick succession: jumping, aiming down, and then pressing forward.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCrystalFlash cancrystalflash
  link Performing a Crystal Flash (CF).
Initiating the Crystal Flash requires energy at 50 or lower, empty Reserve energy, 1 Power Bomb to initiate, and holding L+R+Shoot+Down with no other inputs.
A Crystal Flash will refill 1500 energy at the cost of 10 Missiles, 10 Supers, and 10 Power Bombs.
The Crystal Flash will also put Samus in a standing position even if she is in a Morph tunnel.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canBombIntoCrystalFlashClip canbombintocrystalflashclip
  link Setting up a Crystal Flash in a 3 tile high space with bombs to clip into the above tile.
This requires bombing once to place the power bomb against the ceiling, then bombing again to position Samus for the Crystal Flash.
This trick has a 2 frame window.
If below crumble blocks, hold down to break them. Usually only useful when the crumble blocks do not respawn.
If below a single solid tile, Grapple can be used immediately when the Crystal Flash finishes to place Samus above it.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canJumpIntoCrystalFlashClip canjumpintocrystalflashclip
  link Setting up a Crystal Flash by jumping and morphing. Once to place the Power Bomb, then again to activate the Crystal Flash.
This trick has a 1 frame window.
If below crumble blocks, hold down to break them. Usually only useful when the crumble blocks do not respawn.
If below a single solid tile, Grapple can be used to place Samus above it.
To do this, select Grapple as Samus' energy refills then hold down and mash shoot, the earlier the better.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: can10PowerBombCrystalFlash can10powerbombcrystalflash
  link Setting up a Crystal Flash with only a 10 Power Bomb capacity, by picking up a Power Bomb in between placing the first Power Bomb and activating the Crystal Flash.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canTurnaroundAimCancel canturnaroundaimcancel
  link Canceling an aim angle while crouching and turning around, to wiggle to the right.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMomentumConservingTurnaround canmomentumconservingturnaround
  link Uses the uninteruptable frames of turning around in order to continue moving after hitting a solid object.
Can be used to make it through an opening door, or barely just past a ledge.
It is often beneficial to be in a downward pose when hitting the ceiling, in order to shrink Samus' hitbox to delay contact.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canMomentumConservingMorph canmomentumconservingmorph
  link Uses the uninteruptable frames of morphing or unmorphing in order to continue moving up after hitting a solid object above.
This can be used to make it barely just past a ledge.
The same technique can also be used to temporarily glide along a ceiling to extend a jump horizontally.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canCameraManip cancameramanip
  link The ability to scroll the camera to bring enemies or projectiles on or off camera.
Most enemes become inactive while off camera, and most projectiles cease to exist.
This can be done by jumping in place; changing Samus' hitbox with aim down will scroll the camera lower.
By running back and forth the camera will scroll horizontally; Moonwalk can be used to camera scroll without travelling as far.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canDeepTransition candeeptransition
  link The ability to trigger a door transition deeper than normal, resulting in a more distant spawn position in the next room.
There are many possible ways that this could be achieved; this tech includes two methods:
1) performing a well-aligned horizontal shinespark; starting 1 or 2 pixels from the door is an example position that works;
2) using an unpause where the fade-in ends exactly on the frame when the transition would trigger, delaying the transition by a frame.
For the shinespark version, about one third of positions will work, with working positions occuring in periodic windows that are each approximately two pixels wide, separated by bad windows that are approximately 4 pixels wide.
The unpause version refers to a buffered technique of standing at a specific distance from the door, pausing, and then unpausing while holding forward and run.
When starting facing the door, the position is approximately a 3-pixel window, at a distance of a 6-tile closed-end runway, with possible variations due to slopes.
When starting facing away from the door (doing a turnaround while unpausing), the position is approximately a 2-pixel window, at a distance of about 3.7 tiles.

See also: Tech Page
Tech: canSkipDoorLock canskipdoorlock
  link The ability to trigger a door transition without opening a door lock in front of it.
Specific techniques for achieving this are covered in other tech.

See also: Tech Page
Item: Power Beam i_powerbeam
    [0] => powerbeam
    link redirect Power Beam

See also: Index Listing
Item: Power Suit i_powersuit
    [0] => powersuit
    link redirect Power Suit

See also: Index Listing
Item: Morph Ball i_morph
    [0] => morph
    link redirect Morph Ball

See also: Index Listing
Item: Bombs i_bombs
    [0] => bombs
    link redirect Bombs

See also: Index Listing
Item: Charge i_charge
    [0] => charge
    link redirect Charge

See also: Index Listing
Item: Hi Jump Boots i_hijump
    [0] => hijump
    link redirect Hi Jump Boots

See also: Index Listing
Item: Spazer i_spazer
    [0] => spazer
    link redirect Spazer

See also: Index Listing
Item: Varia i_varia
    [0] => varia
    link redirect Varia

See also: Index Listing
Item: Speed Booster i_speedbooster
    [0] => speedbooster
    link redirect Speed Booster

See also: Index Listing
Item: Ice i_ice
    [0] => ice
    link redirect Ice

See also: Index Listing
Item: Grappling Beam i_grapple
    [0] => grapple
    link redirect Grappling Beam

See also: Index Listing
Item: Wave i_wave
    [0] => wave
    link redirect Wave

See also: Index Listing
Item: X-Ray Scope i_xrayscope
    [0] => xrayscope
    link redirect X-Ray Scope

See also: Index Listing
Item: Gravity i_gravity
    [0] => gravity
    link redirect Gravity

See also: Index Listing
Item: Space Jump i_spacejump
    [0] => spacejump
    link redirect Space Jump

See also: Index Listing
Item: Spring Ball i_springball
    [0] => springball
    link redirect Spring Ball

See also: Index Listing
Item: Plasma i_plasma
    [0] => plasma
    link redirect Plasma

See also: Index Listing
Item: Screw Attack i_screwattack
    [0] => screwattack
    link redirect Screw Attack

See also: Index Listing
Item: Energy Tank i_etank
    [0] => etank
    link redirect Energy Tank

See also: Index Listing
Item: Energy Tank r_regularenergy
    [0] => regularenergy
    link redirect Energy Tank

See also: Index Listing
Item: Super i_super
    [0] => super
    link redirect Super

See also: Index Listing
Item: Missile i_missile
    [0] => missile
    link redirect Missile

See also: Index Listing
Item: Reserve Tank i_reservetank
    [0] => reservetank
    link redirect Reserve Tank

See also: Index Listing
Item: Reserve Tank r_reserveenergy
    [0] => reserveenergy
    link redirect Reserve Tank

See also: Index Listing
Item: Power Bomb i_powerbomb
    [0] => powerbomb
    link redirect Power Bomb

See also: Index Listing
Alcoon alcoon
    link redirect Alcoon

See also: Index Listing
Beetom beetom
    link redirect Beetom

See also: Index Listing
Boyon boyon
    link redirect Boyon

See also: Index Listing
Choot choot
    link redirect Choot

See also: Index Listing
Geemer (blue) geemerblue
    link redirect Geemer (blue)

See also: Index Listing
Geemer (grey) geemergrey
    link redirect Geemer (grey)

See also: Index Listing
Geemer (orange) geemerorange
    link redirect Geemer (orange)

See also: Index Listing
Kago kago
    link redirect Kago

See also: Index Listing
Kamer kamer
    link redirect Kamer

See also: Index Listing
Kihunter (green) kihuntergreen
    link redirect Kihunter (green)

See also: Index Listing
Mellow mellow
    link redirect Mellow

See also: Index Listing
Reo reo
    link redirect Reo

See also: Index Listing
Ripper 2 (green) ripper2green
    link redirect Ripper 2 (green)

See also: Index Listing
Sciser sciser
    link redirect Sciser

See also: Index Listing
Skree skree
    link redirect Skree

See also: Index Listing
Skultera skultera
    link redirect Skultera

See also: Index Listing
Grey Space Pirate (standing) greyspacepiratestanding
    link redirect Grey Space Pirate (standing)

See also: Index Listing
Green Space Pirate (standing) greenspacepiratestanding
    link redirect Green Space Pirate (standing)

See also: Index Listing
Grey Space Pirate (wall) greyspacepiratewall
    link redirect Grey Space Pirate (wall)

See also: Index Listing
Tripper tripper
    link redirect Tripper

See also: Index Listing
Waver waver
    link redirect Waver

See also: Index Listing
Yapping Maw yappingmaw
    link redirect Yapping Maw

See also: Index Listing
Zeb zeb
    link redirect Zeb

See also: Index Listing
Zebbo zebbo
    link redirect Zebbo

See also: Index Listing
Boulder boulder
    link redirect Boulder

See also: Index Listing
Cacatac cacatac
    link redirect Cacatac

See also: Index Listing
Fireflea fireflea
    link redirect Fireflea

See also: Index Listing
Geega geega
    link redirect Geega

See also: Index Listing
Metaree metaree
    link redirect Metaree

See also: Index Listing
Mini-Kraid mini-kraid
    link redirect Mini-Kraid

See also: Index Listing
Puyo puyo
    link redirect Puyo

See also: Index Listing
Ripper ripper
    link redirect Ripper

See also: Index Listing
Ripper 2 (red) ripper2red
    link redirect Ripper 2 (red)

See also: Index Listing
Sm. Sidehopper smsidehopper
    link redirect Sm. Sidehopper

See also: Index Listing
Zeela zeela
    link redirect Zeela

See also: Index Listing
Zero zero
    link redirect Zero

See also: Index Listing
Atomic atomic
    link redirect Atomic

See also: Index Listing
Bull bull
    link redirect Bull

See also: Index Listing
Covern covern
    link redirect Covern

See also: Index Listing
Kihunter (yellow) kihunteryellow
    link redirect Kihunter (yellow)

See also: Index Listing
Workrobot workrobot
    link redirect Workrobot

See also: Index Listing
Evir evir
    link redirect Evir

See also: Index Listing
Kame (Tatori) kametatori
    link redirect Kame (Tatori)

See also: Index Listing
Kame Baby kamebaby
    link redirect Kame Baby

See also: Index Listing
Menu menu
    link redirect Menu

See also: Index Listing
Mochtroid mochtroid
    link redirect Mochtroid

See also: Index Listing
Oum oum
    link redirect Oum

See also: Index Listing
Owtch owtch
    link redirect Owtch

See also: Index Listing
Powamp powamp
    link redirect Powamp

See also: Index Listing
Shaktool shaktool
    link redirect Shaktool

See also: Index Listing
Pink Space Pirate (standing) pinkspacepiratestanding
    link redirect Pink Space Pirate (standing)

See also: Index Listing
Pink Space Pirate (wall) pinkspacepiratewall
    link redirect Pink Space Pirate (wall)

See also: Index Listing
Yard yard
    link redirect Yard

See also: Index Listing
Zoa zoa
    link redirect Zoa

See also: Index Listing
Dessgeega dessgeega
    link redirect Dessgeega

See also: Index Listing
Dragon dragon
    link redirect Dragon

See also: Index Listing
Fune fune
    link redirect Fune

See also: Index Listing
Gamet gamet
    link redirect Gamet

See also: Index Listing
Geruta geruta
    link redirect Geruta

See also: Index Listing
Holtz holtz
    link redirect Holtz

See also: Index Listing
Kihunter (red) kihunterred
    link redirect Kihunter (red)

See also: Index Listing
Magdollite magdollite
    link redirect Magdollite

See also: Index Listing
Mella mella
    link redirect Mella

See also: Index Listing
Multiviola multiviola
    link redirect Multiviola

See also: Index Listing
Namihe namihe
    link redirect Namihe

See also: Index Listing
Puromi puromi
    link redirect Puromi

See also: Index Listing
Sm. Dessgeega smdessgeega
    link redirect Sm. Dessgeega

See also: Index Listing
Sova sova
    link redirect Sova

See also: Index Listing
Red Space Pirate (standing) redspacepiratestanding
    link redirect Red Space Pirate (standing)

See also: Index Listing
Yellow Space Pirate (standing) yellowspacepiratestanding
    link redirect Yellow Space Pirate (standing)

See also: Index Listing
Yellow Space Pirate (wall) yellowspacepiratewall
    link redirect Yellow Space Pirate (wall)

See also: Index Listing
Space Pirate (fighting) spacepiratefighting
    link redirect Space Pirate (fighting)

See also: Index Listing
Squeept squeept
    link redirect Squeept

See also: Index Listing
Viola viola
    link redirect Viola

See also: Index Listing
Sidehopper sidehopper
    link redirect Sidehopper

See also: Index Listing
Metroid metroid
    link redirect Metroid

See also: Index Listing
Rinka rinka
    link redirect Rinka

See also: Index Listing
Tourian Space Pirate (all) tourianspacepirateall
    link redirect Tourian Space Pirate (all)

See also: Index Listing
Blue Sidehopper bluesidehopper
    link redirect Blue Sidehopper

See also: Index Listing
Custom Climb Pirate customclimbpirate
    link redirect Custom Climb Pirate

See also: Index Listing
Trapped Atomic trappedatomic
    link redirect Trapped Atomic

See also: Index Listing
Kzan kzan
    link redirect Kzan

See also: Index Listing
Ceres Ridley ceresridley
    link redirect Ceres Ridley

See also: Index Listing
Bomb Torizo bombtorizo
    link redirect Bomb Torizo

See also: Index Listing
Spore Spawn sporespawn
    link redirect Spore Spawn

See also: Index Listing
Kraid kraid
    link redirect Kraid

See also: Index Listing
Crocomire crocomire
    link redirect Crocomire

See also: Index Listing
Phantoon phantoon
    link redirect Phantoon

See also: Index Listing
Botwoon 1 botwoon1
    link redirect Botwoon 1

See also: Index Listing
Botwoon 2 botwoon2
    link redirect Botwoon 2

See also: Index Listing
Reverse Botwoon 1 reversebotwoon1
    link redirect Reverse Botwoon 1

See also: Index Listing
Reverse Botwoon 2 reversebotwoon2
    link redirect Reverse Botwoon 2

See also: Index Listing
Draygon draygon
    link redirect Draygon

See also: Index Listing
Golden Torizo goldentorizo
    link redirect Golden Torizo

See also: Index Listing
Ridley ridley
    link redirect Ridley

See also: Index Listing
Mother Brain 1 motherbrain1
    link redirect Mother Brain 1

See also: Index Listing
Mother Brain 2 motherbrain2
    link redirect Mother Brain 2

See also: Index Listing
Mother Brain 3 motherbrain3
    link redirect Mother Brain 3

See also: Index Listing
58 Escape 58escape
    [0] => room5
  link Ceres
58 EscapeWiki
Acid Snakes Tunnel acidsnakestunnel
    [0] => room119
  link Norfair / East
Acid Snakes TunnelWiki
Acid Statue Room acidstatueroom
    [0] => room149
  link Lower Norfair / West
Acid Statue RoomWiki
Alpha Power Bomb Room alphapowerbombroom
    [0] => room76
  link Brinstar / Red
Alpha Power Bomb RoomWiki
Amphitheatre amphitheatre
    [0] => room136
  link Lower Norfair / East
Aqueduct aqueduct
    [0] => room183
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Aqueduct Save Room aqueductsaveroom
    [0] => room182
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Aqueduct Save RoomWiki
Assembly Line assemblyline
    [0] => room168
  link Wrecked Ship
Assembly LineWiki
Attic attic
    [0] => room160
  link Wrecked Ship
Baby Kraid Room babykraidroom
    [0] => room82
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Baby Kraid RoomWiki
Basement basement
    [0] => room156
  link Wrecked Ship
Bat Cave batcave
    [0] => room100
  link Norfair / East
Bat CaveWiki
Bat Room batroom
    [0] => room69
  link Brinstar / Red
Bat RoomWiki
Below Botwoon Energy Tank belowbotwoonenergytank
    [0] => room205
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Below Botwoon Energy TankWiki
Below Spazer belowspazer
    [0] => room70
  link Brinstar / Red
Below SpazerWiki
Beta Power Bomb Room betapowerbombroom
    [0] => room77
  link Brinstar / Red
Beta Power Bomb RoomWiki
Big Boy Room bigboyroom
    [0] => room232
  link Tourian
Big Boy RoomWiki
Big Pink bigpink
    [0] => room59
  link Brinstar / Pink
Big PinkWiki
Big Pink Save Room bigpinksaveroom
    [0] => room318
  link Brinstar / Pink
Big Pink Save RoomWiki
Billy Mays Room billymaysroom
    [0] => room43
  link Brinstar / Blue
Billy Mays RoomWiki
Blue Brinstar Boulder Room bluebrinstarboulderroom
    [0] => room42
  link Brinstar / Blue
Blue Brinstar Boulder RoomWiki
Blue Brinstar Elevator Room bluebrinstarelevatorroom
    [0] => room306
  link Crateria / Central
Blue Brinstar Elevator RoomWiki
Blue Brinstar Energy Tank Room bluebrinstarenergytankroom
    [0] => room41
  link Brinstar / Blue
Blue Brinstar Energy Tank RoomWiki
Blue Hopper Room bluehopperroom
    [0] => room230
  link Tourian
Blue Hopper RoomWiki
Bomb Torizo Room bombtorizoroom
    [0] => room19
  link Crateria / Central
Bomb Torizo RoomWiki
Botwoon Energy Tank Room botwoonenergytankroom
    [0] => room186
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Botwoon Energy Tank RoomWiki
Botwoon Hallway botwoonhallway
    [0] => room184
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Botwoon HallwayWiki
Botwoon Quicksand Room botwoonquicksandroom
    [0] => room204
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Botwoon Quicksand RoomWiki
Botwoon's Room botwoonsroom
    [0] => room185
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Botwoon's RoomWiki
Bowling Alley bowlingalley
    [0] => room161
  link Wrecked Ship
Bowling AlleyWiki
Bowling Alley Path bowlingalleypath
    [0] => room33
  link Crateria / East
Bowling Alley PathWiki
Boyon Gate Hall boyongatehall
    [0] => room200
  link Maridia / Outer
Boyon Gate HallWiki
Brinstar Map Room brinstarmaproom
    [0] => room48
  link Brinstar / Green
Brinstar Map RoomWiki
Brinstar Pre Map Room brinstarpremaproom
    [0] => room47
  link Brinstar / Green
Brinstar Pre Map RoomWiki
Brinstar Reserve Tank Room brinstarreservetankroom
    [0] => room46
  link Brinstar / Green
Brinstar Reserve Tank RoomWiki
Bubble Mountain bubblemountain
    [0] => room97
  link Norfair / East
Bubble MountainWiki
Bubble Mountain Save Room bubblemountainsaveroom
    [0] => room307
  link Norfair / East
Bubble Mountain Save RoomWiki
Bug Sand Hole bugsandhole
    [0] => room211
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Bug Sand HoleWiki
Business Center businesscenter
    [0] => room86
  link Norfair / West
Business CenterWiki
Butterfly Room butterflyroom
    [0] => room213
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Butterfly RoomWiki
Caterpillar Room caterpillarroom
    [0] => room75
  link Brinstar / Red
Caterpillar RoomWiki
Caterpillar Save Room caterpillarsaveroom
    [0] => room320
  link Brinstar / Red
Caterpillar Save RoomWiki
Cathedral cathedral
    [0] => room91
  link Norfair / East
Cathedral Entrance cathedralentrance
    [0] => room90
  link Norfair / East
Cathedral EntranceWiki
Ceres Elevator Room cereselevatorroom
    [0] => room1
  link Ceres
Ceres Elevator RoomWiki
Ceres Ridley's Room ceresridleysroom
    [0] => room6
  link Ceres
Ceres Ridley's RoomWiki
Climb climb
    [0] => room11
  link Crateria / Central
Colosseum colosseum
    [0] => room189
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Construction Zone constructionzone
    [0] => room39
  link Brinstar / Blue
Construction ZoneWiki
Crab Hole crabhole
    [0] => room201
  link Maridia / Outer
Crab HoleWiki
Crab Maze crabmaze
    [0] => room36
  link Crateria / East
Crab MazeWiki
Crab Shaft crabshaft
    [0] => room175
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Crab ShaftWiki
Crab Tunnel crabtunnel
    [0] => room176
  link Maridia / Outer
Crab TunnelWiki
Crateria Kihunter Room crateriakihunterroom
    [0] => room24
  link Crateria / East
Crateria Kihunter RoomWiki
Crateria Map Room crateriamaproom
    [0] => room15
  link Crateria / Central
Crateria Map RoomWiki
Crateria Power Bomb Room crateriapowerbombroom
    [0] => room28
  link Crateria / Central
Crateria Power Bomb RoomWiki
Crateria Save Room crateriasaveroom
    [0] => room16
  link Crateria / Central
Crateria Save RoomWiki
Crateria Super Room crateriasuperroom
    [0] => room29
  link Crateria / Central
Crateria Super RoomWiki
Crateria Tube crateriatube
    [0] => room9
  link Crateria / Central
Crateria TubeWiki
Crocomire Escape crocomireescape
    [0] => room121
  link Norfair / West
Crocomire EscapeWiki
Crocomire Save Room crocomiresaveroom
    [0] => room303
  link Norfair / West
Crocomire Save RoomWiki
Crocomire Speedway crocomirespeedway
    [0] => room120
  link Norfair / West
Crocomire SpeedwayWiki
Crocomire's Room crocomiresroom
    [0] => room122
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Crocomire's RoomWiki
Crumble Shaft crumbleshaft
    [0] => room111
  link Norfair / West
Crumble ShaftWiki
Dachora Energy Refill dachoraenergyrefill
    [0] => room317
  link Brinstar / Pink
Dachora Energy RefillWiki
Dachora Room dachoraroom
    [0] => room58
  link Brinstar / Pink
Dachora RoomWiki
Dead Scientist Room deadscientistroom
    [0] => room4
  link Ceres
Dead Scientist RoomWiki
Double Chamber doublechamber
    [0] => room104
  link Norfair / East
Double ChamberWiki
Draygon Save Room draygonsaveroom
    [0] => room190
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Draygon Save RoomWiki
Draygon's Room draygonsroom
    [0] => room193
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Draygon's RoomWiki
Dust Torizo Room dusttorizoroom
    [0] => room231
  link Tourian
Dust Torizo RoomWiki
Early Supers Room earlysupersroom
    [0] => room45
  link Brinstar / Green
Early Supers RoomWiki
East Aqueduct Quicksand Room eastaqueductquicksandroom
    [0] => room207
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
East Aqueduct Quicksand RoomWiki
East Cactus Alley Room eastcactusalleyroom
    [0] => room196
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
East Cactus Alley RoomWiki
East Ocean eastocean
    [0] => room34
  link Crateria / East
East OceanWiki
East Pants Room eastpantsroom
    [0] => room322
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
East Pants RoomWiki
East Sand Hall eastsandhall
    [0] => room210
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
East Sand HallWiki
East Sand Hole eastsandhole
    [0] => room208
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
East Sand HoleWiki
Electric Death Room electricdeathroom
    [0] => room166
  link Wrecked Ship
Electric Death RoomWiki
Etecoon Energy Tank Room etecoonenergytankroom
    [0] => room51
  link Brinstar / Green
Etecoon Energy Tank RoomWiki
Etecoon Save Room etecoonsaveroom
    [0] => room315
  link Brinstar / Green
Etecoon Save RoomWiki
Etecoon Super Room etecoonsuperroom
    [0] => room52
  link Brinstar / Green
Etecoon Super RoomWiki
Falling Tile Room fallingtileroom
    [0] => room2
  link Ceres
Falling Tile RoomWiki
Fast Pillars Setup Room fastpillarssetuproom
    [0] => room133
  link Lower Norfair / East
Fast Pillars Setup RoomWiki
Fast Ripper Room fastripperroom
    [0] => room153
  link Lower Norfair / West
Fast Ripper RoomWiki
Final Missile Bombway finalmissilebombway
    [0] => room18
  link Crateria / Central
Final Missile BombwayWiki
First Missile Room firstmissileroom
    [0] => room40
  link Brinstar / Blue
First Missile RoomWiki
Fish Tank fishtank
    [0] => room173
  link Maridia / Outer
Fish TankWiki
Flyway flyway
    [0] => room13
  link Crateria / Central
Forgotten Highway Elbow forgottenhighwayelbow
    [0] => room305
  link Crateria / East
Forgotten Highway ElbowWiki
Forgotten Highway Elevator forgottenhighwayelevator
    [0] => room37
  link Crateria / East
Forgotten Highway ElevatorWiki
Forgotten Highway Kago Room forgottenhighwaykagoroom
    [0] => room35
  link Crateria / East
Forgotten Highway Kago RoomWiki
Forgotten Highway Save Room forgottenhighwaysaveroom
    [0] => room216
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Forgotten Highway Save RoomWiki
Frog Savestation frogsavestation
    [0] => room302
  link Norfair / East
Frog SavestationWiki
Frog Speedway frogspeedway
    [0] => room93
  link Norfair / East
Frog SpeedwayWiki
Gauntlet Energy Tank Room gauntletenergytankroom
    [0] => room31
  link Crateria / West
Gauntlet Energy Tank RoomWiki
Gauntlet Entrance gauntletentrance
    [0] => room30
  link Crateria / West
Gauntlet EntranceWiki
Glass Tunnel glasstunnel
    [0] => room170
  link Maridia / Outer
Glass TunnelWiki
Glass Tunnel Save Room glasstunnelsaveroom
    [0] => room171
  link Maridia / Outer
Glass Tunnel Save RoomWiki
Golden Torizo Energy Recharge goldentorizoenergyrecharge
    [0] => room152
  link Lower Norfair / West
Golden Torizo Energy RechargeWiki
Golden Torizo's Room goldentorizosroom
    [0] => room150
  link Lower Norfair / West
Golden Torizo's RoomWiki
Grapple Beam Room grapplebeamroom
    [0] => room128
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Grapple Beam RoomWiki
Grapple Tutorial Room 1 grappletutorialroom1
    [0] => room129
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Grapple Tutorial Room 1Wiki
Grapple Tutorial Room 2 grappletutorialroom2
    [0] => room130
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Grapple Tutorial Room 2Wiki
Grapple Tutorial Room 3 grappletutorialroom3
    [0] => room131
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Grapple Tutorial Room 3Wiki
Gravity Suit Room gravitysuitroom
    [0] => room162
  link Wrecked Ship
Gravity Suit RoomWiki
Green Brinstar Beetom Room greenbrinstarbeetomroom
    [0] => room50
  link Brinstar / Green
Green Brinstar Beetom RoomWiki
Green Brinstar Elevator Room greenbrinstarelevatorroom
    [0] => room23
  link Crateria / West
Green Brinstar Elevator RoomWiki
Green Brinstar Fireflea Room greenbrinstarfireflearoom
    [0] => room49
  link Brinstar / Green
Green Brinstar Fireflea RoomWiki
Green Brinstar Main Shaft greenbrinstarmainshaft
    [0] => etecoonroom
    [1] => greenbrinstarmainshaft
    [2] => room44
  link Brinstar / Green
Green Brinstar Main ShaftWiki
Green Brinstar Main Shaft Save Room greenbrinstarmainshaftsaveroom
    [0] => room314
  link Brinstar / Green
Green Brinstar Main Shaft Save RoomWiki
Green Brinstar Missile Refill greenbrinstarmissilerefill
    [0] => room316
  link Brinstar / Green
Green Brinstar Missile RefillWiki
Green Bubbles Missile Room greenbubblesmissileroom
    [0] => room98
  link Norfair / East
Green Bubbles Missile RoomWiki
Green Hill Zone greenhillzone
    [0] => room54
  link Brinstar / Green
Green Hill ZoneWiki
Green Pirates Shaft greenpiratesshaft
    [0] => room21
  link Crateria / West
Green Pirates ShaftWiki
Halfie Climb Room halfieclimbroom
    [0] => room187
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Halfie Climb RoomWiki
Hellway hellway
    [0] => room74
  link Brinstar / Red
Hi Jump Boots Room hijumpbootsroom
    [0] => room89
  link Norfair / West
Hi Jump Boots RoomWiki
Hi Jump Energy Tank Room hijumpenergytankroom
    [0] => room88
  link Norfair / West
Hi Jump Energy Tank RoomWiki
Homing Geemer Room hominggeemerroom
    [0] => room313
  link Crateria / East
Homing Geemer RoomWiki
Hopper Energy Tank Room hopperenergytankroom
    [0] => room62
  link Brinstar / Pink
Hopper Energy Tank RoomWiki
Ice Beam Acid Room icebeamacidroom
    [0] => room107
  link Norfair / West
Ice Beam Acid RoomWiki
Ice Beam Gate Room icebeamgateroom
    [0] => room106
  link Norfair / West
Ice Beam Gate RoomWiki
Ice Beam Room icebeamroom
    [0] => room109
  link Norfair / West
Ice Beam RoomWiki
Ice Beam Snake Room icebeamsnakeroom
    [0] => room108
  link Norfair / West
Ice Beam Snake RoomWiki
Ice Beam Tutorial Room icebeamtutorialroom
    [0] => room110
  link Norfair / West
Ice Beam Tutorial RoomWiki
Kassiuz Room kassiuzroom
    [0] => room217
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Kassiuz RoomWiki
Kraid Eye Door Room kraideyedoorroom
    [0] => room83
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Kraid Eye Door RoomWiki
Kraid Recharge Station kraidrechargestation
    [0] => room301
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Kraid Recharge StationWiki
Kraid Room kraidroom
    [0] => room84
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Kraid RoomWiki
Kraid Save Room kraidsaveroom
    [0] => room300
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Kraid Save RoomWiki
Kronic Boost Room kronicboostroom
    [0] => room113
  link Norfair / East
Kronic Boost RoomWiki
Landing Site landingsite
    [0] => room8
  link Crateria / Central
Landing SiteWiki
Lava Dive Room lavadiveroom
    [0] => room115
  link Norfair / East
Lava Dive RoomWiki
Lower Mushrooms lowermushrooms
    [0] => room22
  link Crateria / West
Lower MushroomsWiki
Lower Norfair Elevator lowernorfairelevator
    [0] => room309
  link Norfair / East
Lower Norfair ElevatorWiki
Lower Norfair Elevator Save Room lowernorfairelevatorsaveroom
    [0] => room310
  link Norfair / East
Lower Norfair Elevator Save RoomWiki
Lower Norfair Escape Power Bomb Room lowernorfairescapepowerbombroom
    [0] => room147
  link Lower Norfair / East
Lower Norfair Escape Power Bomb RoomWiki
Lower Norfair Farming Room lowernorfairfarmingroom
    [0] => room141
  link Lower Norfair / East
Lower Norfair Farming RoomWiki
Lower Norfair Fireflea Room lowernorfairfireflearoom
    [0] => room145
  link Lower Norfair / East
Lower Norfair Fireflea RoomWiki
Lower Norfair Spring Ball Maze Room lowernorfairspringballmazeroom
    [0] => room146
  link Lower Norfair / East
Lower Norfair Spring Ball Maze RoomWiki
Lower Tourian Save Room lowertouriansaveroom
    [0] => room237
  link Tourian
Lower Tourian Save RoomWiki
Magdollite Tunnel magdollitetunnel
    [0] => room114
  link Norfair / East
Magdollite TunnelWiki
Magnet Stairs Room magnetstairsroom
    [0] => room3
  link Ceres
Magnet Stairs RoomWiki
Main Hall mainhall
    [0] => room132
  link Lower Norfair / East
Main HallWiki
Main Street mainstreet
    [0] => room172
  link Maridia / Outer
Main StreetWiki
Mama Turtle Room mamaturtleroom
    [0] => room178
  link Maridia / Outer
Mama Turtle RoomWiki
Maridia Elevator Room maridiaelevatorroom
    [0] => room215
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Maridia Elevator RoomWiki
Maridia Health Refill Room maridiahealthrefillroom
    [0] => room191
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Maridia Health Refill RoomWiki
Maridia Map Room maridiamaproom
    [0] => room203
  link Maridia / Outer
Maridia Map RoomWiki
Maridia Missile Refill Room maridiamissilerefillroom
    [0] => room188
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Maridia Missile Refill RoomWiki
Metal Pirates Room metalpiratesroom
    [0] => room139
  link Lower Norfair / East
Metal Pirates RoomWiki
Metroid Room 1 metroidroom1
    [0] => room226
  link Tourian
Metroid Room 1Wiki
Metroid Room 2 metroidroom2
    [0] => room227
  link Tourian
Metroid Room 2Wiki
Metroid Room 3 metroidroom3
    [0] => room228
  link Tourian
Metroid Room 3Wiki
Metroid Room 4 metroidroom4
    [0] => room229
  link Tourian
Metroid Room 4Wiki
Mickey Mouse Room mickeymouseroom
    [0] => room144
  link Lower Norfair / East
Mickey Mouse RoomWiki
Morph Ball Room morphballroom
    [0] => room38
  link Brinstar / Blue
Morph Ball RoomWiki
Mother Brain Room motherbrainroom
    [0] => room238
  link Tourian
Mother Brain RoomWiki
Mt Everest mteverest
    [0] => room174
  link Maridia / Outer
Mt EverestWiki
Noob Bridge noobbridge
    [0] => room55
  link Brinstar / Green
Noob BridgeWiki
Norfair Map Room norfairmaproom
    [0] => room87
  link Norfair / West
Norfair Map RoomWiki
Norfair Reserve Tank Room norfairreservetankroom
    [0] => room99
  link Norfair / East
Norfair Reserve Tank RoomWiki
Northwest Maridia Bug Room northwestmaridiabugroom
    [0] => room180
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Northwest Maridia Bug RoomWiki
Nutella Refill nutellarefill
    [0] => room308
  link Norfair / East
Nutella RefillWiki
Oasis oasis
    [0] => room198
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
Pants Room pantsroom
    [0] => room220
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
Pants RoomWiki
Parlor And Alcatraz parlorandalcatraz
    [0] => parlor
    [1] => alcatraz
    [2] => room10
  link Crateria / Central
Parlor And AlcatrazWiki
Phantoon's Room phantoonsroom
    [0] => room158
  link Wrecked Ship
Phantoon's RoomWiki
Pillar Room pillarroom
    [0] => room134
  link Lower Norfair / East
Pillar RoomWiki
Pink Brinstar Hopper Room pinkbrinstarhopperroom
    [0] => room61
  link Brinstar / Pink
Pink Brinstar Hopper RoomWiki
Pink Brinstar Power Bomb Room pinkbrinstarpowerbombroom
    [0] => room60
  link Brinstar / Pink
Pink Brinstar Power Bomb RoomWiki
Pit Room pitroom
    [0] => room12
  link Crateria / Central
Pit RoomWiki
Plasma Beach Quicksand Room plasmabeachquicksandroom
    [0] => room212
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Plasma Beach Quicksand RoomWiki
Plasma Room plasmaroom
    [0] => room219
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Plasma RoomWiki
Plasma Spark Room plasmasparkroom
    [0] => room197
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Plasma Spark RoomWiki
Plasma Tutorial Room plasmatutorialroom
    [0] => room218
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Plasma Tutorial RoomWiki
Plowerhouse Room plowerhouseroom
    [0] => room140
  link Lower Norfair / East
Plowerhouse RoomWiki
Post Crocomire Farming Room postcrocomirefarmingroom
    [0] => room123
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Post Crocomire Farming RoomWiki
Post Crocomire Jump Room postcrocomirejumproom
    [0] => room127
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Post Crocomire Jump RoomWiki
Post Crocomire Missile Room postcrocomiremissileroom
    [0] => room126
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Post Crocomire Missile RoomWiki
Post Crocomire Power Bomb Room postcrocomirepowerbombroom
    [0] => room124
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Post Crocomire Power Bomb RoomWiki
Post Crocomire Save Room postcrocomiresaveroom
    [0] => room311
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Post Crocomire Save RoomWiki
Post Crocomire Shaft postcrocomireshaft
    [0] => room125
  link Norfair / Crocomire
Post Crocomire ShaftWiki
Pre Map Flyway premapflyway
    [0] => room14
  link Crateria / Central
Pre Map FlywayWiki
Pseudo Plasma Spark Room pseudoplasmasparkroom
    [0] => room179
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Pseudo Plasma Spark RoomWiki
Purple Farming Room purplefarmingroom
    [0] => room96
  link Norfair / East
Purple Farming RoomWiki
Purple Shaft purpleshaft
    [0] => room95
  link Norfair / East
Purple ShaftWiki
Red Brinstar Elevator Room redbrinstarelevatorroom
    [0] => room25
  link Crateria / East
Red Brinstar Elevator RoomWiki
Red Brinstar Fireflea Room redbrinstarfireflearoom
    [0] => room67
  link Brinstar / Red
Red Brinstar Fireflea RoomWiki
Red Fish Room redfishroom
    [0] => room177
  link Maridia / Outer
Red Fish RoomWiki
Red Kihunter Shaft redkihuntershaft
    [0] => room137
  link Lower Norfair / East
Red Kihunter ShaftWiki
Red Kihunter Shaft Save Room redkihuntershaftsaveroom
    [0] => room312
  link Lower Norfair / East
Red Kihunter Shaft Save RoomWiki
Red Pirate Shaft redpirateshaft
    [0] => room118
  link Norfair / East
Red Pirate ShaftWiki
Red Tower redtower
    [0] => room66
  link Brinstar / Red
Red TowerWiki
Ridley Tank Room ridleytankroom
    [0] => room143
  link Lower Norfair / East
Ridley Tank RoomWiki
Ridley's Room ridleysroom
    [0] => room142
  link Lower Norfair / East
Ridley's RoomWiki
Rinka Shaft rinkashaft
    [0] => room236
  link Tourian
Rinka ShaftWiki
Rising Tide risingtide
    [0] => room92
  link Norfair / East
Rising TideWiki
Screw Attack Room screwattackroom
    [0] => room151
  link Lower Norfair / West
Screw Attack RoomWiki
Seaweed Room seaweedroom
    [0] => room233
  link Tourian
Seaweed RoomWiki
Shaktool Room shaktoolroom
    [0] => room222
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
Shaktool RoomWiki
Single Chamber singlechamber
    [0] => room103
  link Norfair / East
Single ChamberWiki
Sloaters Refill sloatersrefill
    [0] => room319
  link Brinstar / Red
Sloaters RefillWiki
Space Jump Room spacejumproom
    [0] => room194
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Space Jump RoomWiki
Spazer Room spazerroom
    [0] => room71
  link Brinstar / Red
Spazer RoomWiki
Speed Booster Hall speedboosterhall
    [0] => room101
  link Norfair / East
Speed Booster HallWiki
Speed Booster Room speedboosterroom
    [0] => room102
  link Norfair / East
Speed Booster RoomWiki
Spiky Acid Snakes Tunnel spikyacidsnakestunnel
    [0] => room112
  link Norfair / East
Spiky Acid Snakes TunnelWiki
Spiky Death Room spikydeathroom
    [0] => room165
  link Wrecked Ship
Spiky Death RoomWiki
Spiky Platforms Tunnel spikyplatformstunnel
    [0] => room117
  link Norfair / East
Spiky Platforms TunnelWiki
Sponge Bath spongebath
    [0] => room164
  link Wrecked Ship
Sponge BathWiki
Spore Spawn Farming Room sporespawnfarmingroom
    [0] => room64
  link Brinstar / Pink
Spore Spawn Farming RoomWiki
Spore Spawn Kihunter Room sporespawnkihunterroom
    [0] => room56
  link Brinstar / Green
Spore Spawn Kihunter RoomWiki
Spore Spawn Room sporespawnroom
    [0] => room57
  link Brinstar / Green
Spore Spawn RoomWiki
Spore Spawn Super Room sporespawnsuperroom
    [0] => room63
  link Brinstar / Pink
Spore Spawn Super RoomWiki
Spring Ball Room springballroom
    [0] => room223
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
Spring Ball RoomWiki
Statues Hallway statueshallway
    [0] => room26
  link Crateria / West
Statues HallwayWiki
Statues Room statuesroom
    [0] => room27
  link Crateria / West
Statues RoomWiki
Terminator Room terminatorroom
    [0] => room20
  link Crateria / West
Terminator RoomWiki
The Final Missile thefinalmissile
    [0] => finalmissile
    [1] => room17
  link Crateria / Central
The Final MissileWiki
The Moat themoat
    [0] => moat
    [1] => room7
  link Crateria / East
The MoatWiki
The Precious Room thepreciousroom
    [0] => preciousroom
    [1] => room192
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
The Precious RoomWiki
The Worst Room In The Game theworstroominthegame
    [0] => worstroominthegame
    [1] => room135
  link Lower Norfair / East
The Worst Room In The GameWiki
Thread The Needle Room threadtheneedleroom
    [0] => room214
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Thread The Needle RoomWiki
Three Musketeers Room threemusketeersroom
    [0] => room148
  link Lower Norfair / East
Three Musketeers RoomWiki
Toilet Bowl toiletbowl
    [0] => room321
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
Toilet BowlWiki
Tourian Escape Room 1 tourianescaperoom1
    [0] => room239
  link Tourian
Tourian Escape Room 1Wiki
Tourian Escape Room 2 tourianescaperoom2
    [0] => room240
  link Tourian
Tourian Escape Room 2Wiki
Tourian Escape Room 3 tourianescaperoom3
    [0] => room241
  link Tourian
Tourian Escape Room 3Wiki
Tourian Escape Room 4 tourianescaperoom4
    [0] => room242
  link Tourian
Tourian Escape Room 4Wiki
Tourian Eye Door Room tourianeyedoorroom
    [0] => room235
  link Tourian
Tourian Eye Door RoomWiki
Tourian First Room tourianfirstroom
    [0] => room224
  link Tourian
Tourian First RoomWiki
Tourian Recharge Room tourianrechargeroom
    [0] => room234
  link Tourian
Tourian Recharge RoomWiki
Upper Norfair Farming Room uppernorfairfarmingroom
    [0] => room94
  link Norfair / East
Upper Norfair Farming RoomWiki
Upper Tourian Save Room uppertouriansaveroom
    [0] => room225
  link Tourian
Upper Tourian Save RoomWiki
Varia Suit Room variasuitroom
    [0] => room85
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Varia Suit RoomWiki
Volcano Room volcanoroom
    [0] => room116
  link Norfair / East
Volcano RoomWiki
Warehouse Energy Tank Room warehouseenergytankroom
    [0] => room80
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Warehouse Energy Tank RoomWiki
Warehouse Entrance warehouseentrance
    [0] => room78
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Warehouse EntranceWiki
Warehouse Kihunter Room warehousekihunterroom
    [0] => room81
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Warehouse Kihunter RoomWiki
Warehouse Zeela Room warehousezeelaroom
    [0] => room79
  link Brinstar / Kraid
Warehouse Zeela RoomWiki
Wasteland wasteland
    [0] => room138
  link Lower Norfair / East
Watering Hole wateringhole
    [0] => room181
  link Maridia / Inner / Yellow
Watering HoleWiki
Waterway Energy Tank Room waterwayenergytankroom
    [0] => room65
  link Brinstar / Pink
Waterway Energy Tank RoomWiki
Wave Beam Room wavebeamroom
    [0] => room105
  link Norfair / East
Wave Beam RoomWiki
West Aqueduct Quicksand Room westaqueductquicksandroom
    [0] => room206
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
West Aqueduct Quicksand RoomWiki
West Cactus Alley Room westcactusalleyroom
    [0] => room195
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
West Cactus Alley RoomWiki
West Glass Tube Tunnel westglasstubetunnel
    [0] => room169
  link Maridia / Outer
West Glass Tube TunnelWiki
West Ocean westocean
    [0] => room32
  link Crateria / East
West OceanWiki
West Sand Hall westsandhall
    [0] => room199
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
West Sand HallWiki
West Sand Hall Tunnel westsandhalltunnel
    [0] => room202
  link Maridia / Inner / Green
West Sand Hall TunnelWiki
West Sand Hole westsandhole
    [0] => room209
  link Maridia / Inner / Pink
West Sand HoleWiki
Wrecked Ship East Super Room wreckedshipeastsuperroom
    [0] => room163
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship East Super RoomWiki
Wrecked Ship Energy Tank Room wreckedshipenergytankroom
    [0] => room167
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship Energy Tank RoomWiki
Wrecked Ship Entrance wreckedshipentrance
    [0] => room154
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship EntranceWiki
Wrecked Ship Main Shaft wreckedshipmainshaft
    [0] => room155
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship Main ShaftWiki
Wrecked Ship Map Room wreckedshipmaproom
    [0] => room157
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship Map RoomWiki
Wrecked Ship Save Room wreckedshipsaveroom
    [0] => room304
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship Save RoomWiki
Wrecked Ship West Super Room wreckedshipwestsuperroom
    [0] => room159
  link Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship West Super RoomWiki
X-Ray Scope Room xrayscoperoom
    [0] => room68
  link Brinstar / Red
X-Ray Scope RoomWiki
Release #1 release1
    link redirect Release #1

See also: Index Listing
Release #2 release2
    link redirect Release #2

See also: Index Listing
Release #3 release3
    link redirect Release #3

See also: Index Listing
Release #4 release4
    link redirect Release #4

See also: Index Listing
Release #5 release5
    link redirect Release #5

See also: Index Listing
Release #6 release6
    link redirect Release #6

See also: Index Listing
Release #7 release7
    link redirect Release #7

See also: Index Listing
Release #8 release8
    link redirect Release #8

See also: Index Listing
Release #9 release9
    link redirect Release #9

See also: Index Listing
Release #10 release10
    link redirect Release #10

See also: Index Listing
Release #11 release11
    link redirect Release #11

See also: Index Listing
Release #12 release12
    link redirect Release #12

See also: Index Listing
Release #13 release13
    link redirect Release #13

See also: Index Listing
Release #14 release14
    link redirect Release #14

See also: Index Listing
Release #15 release15
    link redirect Release #15

See also: Index Listing
Release #16 release16
    link redirect Release #16

See also: Index Listing
Release #17 release17
    link redirect Release #17

See also: Index Listing
Release #18 release18
    link redirect Release #18

See also: Index Listing
Release #19 release19
    link redirect Release #19

See also: Index Listing
Release #20 release20
    link redirect Release #20

See also: Index Listing
Release #21 release21
    link redirect Release #21

See also: Index Listing
Release #22 release22
    link redirect Release #22

See also: Index Listing
Release #23 release23
    link redirect Release #23

See also: Index Listing
Release #24 release24
    link redirect Release #24

See also: Index Listing
Release #25 release25
    link redirect Release #25

See also: Index Listing
Release #26 release26
    link redirect Release #26

See also: Index Listing
Release #27 release27
    link redirect Release #27

See also: Index Listing
Release #28 release28
    link redirect Release #28

See also: Index Listing
Release #29 release29
    link redirect Release #29

See also: Index Listing
Release #30 release30
    link redirect Release #30

See also: Index Listing
Release #31 release31
    link redirect Release #31

See also: Index Listing
Release #32 release32
    link redirect Release #32

See also: Index Listing
Release #33 release33
    link redirect Release #33

See also: Index Listing
Release #34 release34
    link redirect Release #34

See also: Index Listing
Release #35 release35
    link redirect Release #35

See also: Index Listing
Release #36 release36
    link redirect Release #36

See also: Index Listing
Release #37 release37
    link redirect Release #37

See also: Index Listing
Release #38 release38
    link redirect Release #38

See also: Index Listing
Release #39 release39
    link redirect Release #39

See also: Index Listing
Release #40 release40
    link redirect Release #40

See also: Index Listing
Release #41 release41
    link redirect Release #41

See also: Index Listing
Release #42 release42
    link redirect Release #42

See also: Index Listing
Release #43 release43
    link redirect Release #43

See also: Index Listing
Release #44 release44
    link redirect Release #44

See also: Index Listing
Release #45 release45
    link redirect Release #45

See also: Index Listing
Release #46 release46
    link redirect Release #46

See also: Index Listing
Release #47 release47
    link redirect Release #47

See also: Index Listing
Release #48 release48
    link redirect Release #48

See also: Index Listing
Release #49 release49
    link redirect Release #49

See also: Index Listing
Release #50 release50
    link redirect Release #50

See also: Index Listing
Release #51 release51
    link redirect Release #51

See also: Index Listing
Release #52 release52
    link redirect Release #52

See also: Index Listing
Release #53 release53
    link redirect Release #53

See also: Index Listing
Release #54 release54
    link redirect Release #54

See also: Index Listing
Release #55 release55
    link redirect Release #55

See also: Index Listing
Release #56 release56
    link redirect Release #56

See also: Index Listing
Release #57 release57
    link redirect Release #57

See also: Index Listing
Release #58 release58
    link redirect Release #58

See also: Index Listing
Release #59 release59
    link redirect Release #59

See also: Index Listing
Release #60 release60
    link redirect Release #60

See also: Index Listing
Release #61 release61
    link redirect Release #61

See also: Index Listing
Release #62 release62
    link redirect Release #62

See also: Index Listing
Release #63 release63
    link redirect Release #63

See also: Index Listing
Release #64 release64
    link redirect Release #64

See also: Index Listing
Release #65 release65
    link redirect Release #65

See also: Index Listing
Release #66 release66
    link redirect Release #66

See also: Index Listing
Release #67 release67
    link redirect Release #67

See also: Index Listing
Release #68 release68
    link redirect Release #68

See also: Index Listing
Release #69 release69
    link redirect Release #69

See also: Index Listing
Release #70 release70
    link redirect Release #70

See also: Index Listing
Release #71 release71
    link redirect Release #71

See also: Index Listing
Release #72 release72
    link redirect Release #72

See also: Index Listing
Release #73 release73
    link redirect Release #73

See also: Index Listing
Release #74 release74
    link redirect Release #74

See also: Index Listing
Release #75 release75
    link redirect Release #75

See also: Index Listing
Release #76 release76
    link redirect Release #76

See also: Index Listing
Release #77 release77
    link redirect Release #77

See also: Index Listing
Release #78 release78
    link redirect Release #78

See also: Index Listing
Release #79 release79
    link redirect Release #79

See also: Index Listing
Release #80 release80
    link redirect Release #80

See also: Index Listing
Release #81 release81
    link redirect Release #81

See also: Index Listing
Release #82 release82
    link redirect Release #82

See also: Index Listing
Release #83 release83
    link redirect Release #83

See also: Index Listing
Release #84 release84
    link redirect Release #84

See also: Index Listing
Release #85 release85
    link redirect Release #85

See also: Index Listing
Release #86 release86
    link redirect Release #86

See also: Index Listing
Release #87 release87
    link redirect Release #87

See also: Index Listing
Release #88 release88
    link redirect Release #88

See also: Index Listing
Release #89 release89
    link redirect Release #89

See also: Index Listing
Release #90 release90
    link redirect Release #90

See also: Index Listing
Release #91 release91
    link redirect Release #91

See also: Index Listing
Release #92 release92
    link redirect Release #92

See also: Index Listing
Release #93 release93
    link redirect Release #93

See also: Index Listing
Release #94 release94
    link redirect Release #94

See also: Index Listing
Release #95 release95
    link redirect Release #95

See also: Index Listing
Release #96 release96
    link redirect Release #96

See also: Index Listing
Release #97 release97
    link redirect Release #97

See also: Index Listing
Release #98 release98
    link redirect Release #98

See also: Index Listing
Release #99 release99
    link redirect Release #99

See also: Index Listing
Release #100 release100
    link redirect Release #100

See also: Index Listing
Release #101 release101
    link redirect Release #101

See also: Index Listing
Release #102 release102
    link redirect Release #102

See also: Index Listing
Release #103 release103
    link redirect Release #103

See also: Index Listing
Release #104 release104
    link redirect Release #104

See also: Index Listing
Release #105 release105
    link redirect Release #105

See also: Index Listing
Release #106 release106
    link redirect Release #106

See also: Index Listing
Release #107 release107
    link redirect Release #107

See also: Index Listing
Release #108 release108
    link redirect Release #108

See also: Index Listing
Release #109 release109
    link redirect Release #109

See also: Index Listing
Release #110 release110
    link redirect Release #110

See also: Index Listing
Release #111 release111
    link redirect Release #111

See also: Index Listing
Release #112 release112
    link redirect Release #112

See also: Index Listing
Release #113 release113
    link redirect Release #113

See also: Index Listing
Link link
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch handgrenade
    [0] => handgrenadeofantioch
    link redirect
Holy Diver diver
    [0] => holydiver
    link redirect