Pre-game setup: Create filename
Start on file select screen
Time start: Start game file
Time end: Triforce Room starts to appear
Pre-game setup: Create filename
Set controller settings
Start on file select screen
Time start: Start game file
Time end ALttP: Triforce Room starts to appear
Time end SM: At last input to enter Samus' ship
after end of Tourian Escape

Getting started with SRL racing (z3r)

Note: If playing on emulator, you must stream your videos and have them saved for future review if necessary.
Note: Code examples may contain < and >. Do not include these in commands.

Create a account if you don't have one already. If you do have one, make sure you have the information you need.

Start here if you just want to read some instructions

Start here if you want to read and watch a video

Start here if you're using something other than HexChat or don't want to watch a video

Once you're done setting up your client and you've connected to #speedrunslive, use the following commands to be SRL-compliant but least-naggy.
.setstream twitch/<your Twitch username>Connect your Twitch account to your SRL account
.streamoption <mode>off: Never show your stream on the front page
races: Show your stream on the front page when you're in a race

Make sure you've Initialized the Generator and verify that your emulator and stream software are set up properly and ready to go before entering a race. Be sure to remember to hit Start Streaming!

Start a Race!