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From May 5th 2022 on, version 0.9 is in development. Since some used options aren't available in "Doors", "Entrance", "Overworld" or other special branches, changes will come.

The current dev preset - via /alttpr preset preset:trinity/dev - contains the following settings:

World State TFP Goal TFP Placed Fast Ganon? Tower Entry Ganon Vulnerability Accessibility
Open 8 10 Yes 0 Random 100% Items

Additional changes:

  • bossNormalLocation set to true: Bosses can drop Maps, Compasses or Keys.
  • mapsOnPickup set to false: No need to find the Dungeon's Maps, ask Sahasrahla or the Bomb Shop owner .. just check your map.

The main reason for the "mapsOnPickup" and "bossNormalLocatioN" removal is, that the player should be able to modify this. Also most "advanced" players might decide to add options which could interfere with this.

There settings should be identical to the ones in the "DoorsVolatile" and "Overworld" randomizer branch. One exception: GT is fixed to "0" for testing purpose while Ganon stays on "Random".