Throw Clipping

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Throw Clipping is a glitch which allows you to throw things over barriers (such as walls and thick rails).


To perform this glitch, hold an object over your head while another object is mid-flight.

This can be done with a thrown object or a "kicked" Somaria block (by dashing into it). Because you must wait for the animation of picking up an object before the Throw Clip is enabled, a limiting factor on this glitch is the minimum distance you must be away from the barrier you're trying to clip through when you throw or kick.

For a throw, this distance is about 3.25 tiles away from the start of the barrier you're trying to clip through. For a Somaria "kick" this is about 6 tiles (under normal circumstances... however, you can make Somaria blocks bounce off of objects in weird ways allowing you to be very close to barriers in certain circumstances).


This glitch has minimal utility in vanilla or randomized A Link to the Past. There simply are not very many barriers it would be useful to throw an object past.