Swamp Palace/No Logic

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The Swamp Palace is an end place form many route using No Logic glitches. You may end up collecting many of your crystals in its boss supertile.

Getting there

You can reach Swamp if you have acces to the third floor of Tower of Hera (NL) with bombs or YBA from Thieves' Town (NL). Depending on your entrace you may need a key to continue in the dungeon, this is why entering in cave state from Hera could be interesting.

Getting around


If you have the hookshot and somaria you can skip the flippers doing a hookpusk in the first screen and in the second floodgate, shown in [1] and [2].

If you have the flippers, you can enter (in order to use Swamp keys or getting the prize) without mirror or pearl from Hera and re-enter:

  • In the lighworld drain the dam and save&quit
  • Start at the mountain (you need to avoid any overworld transicion)
  • Climb to hera doing the clip Hera clips
  • Make the Hera to Swamp teleport
  • Exit and re-enter the dungeon (the water will be up)

Main Hub

You can skip flipper and/or hammer to get to the man hub using a west YBA from the second room or an east YBA coming from the left side.


The usual way to get to Arrghus directly is to Death Hole from desert, this could also skip the need for Hookshot to kill Arrghus (using the unlocked camera). Ypu can also YBA from the next room after the main hub, but this causes VRAM and crashes in the Super NT, shown in [3]

Where you can go

  • Tower of Hera (NL): You can get to Hera using a YBA form the first flood gate or using a north somaria transition corruption in the main hub and exiting East (there appear holes that you have to avoid).
  • Skull Woods (NL): You can get to mothula or its supertile using a east supertile YBA or 2 east subtile with a door juke (to do:add images).

Getting the crystal

As mentioned before, you can kill Arrghus from Desert Palace (NL) with a Death Hole or walking as intended from Hera. You can also get the prize from Skull Woods (NL) Mothula super tile. If you really want to avoid Swamp Palace, this is a usual dungeon to use the Sewer door deletion and from Agahnim's room get to the sewers, change the ID and get the prize from Hera's Moldorm.